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Die frühere Innenministerin: Gordana Jankuloska, in Mazedonien, trat ihre Haftstrafe an


 Das kriminelle Enterprise der EU, der Deutschen und Amerikaner in Mazedonien ist schon einmalig. Überall installieren die korrupten Volksdeppen der EU; der Deutschen Sonderstaatsanwältinnen, die dann schnell abgesetzt werden, korrumpiert werden in Mazedonien sogar verhaftet werden: Katica Janeva. Geld Erpressung, damit nicht verhaftet wird. 

 Offiziell verurteilt, weil man einen gepanzerten Mercedes 600 besorgte, was nach Politischer Willkür riecht! Der Wagen wird überwiegend, heute von Zoran Zaev, dem vollkommen korrupten Vorgäner Premierminister benutzt, für private Zwecke, einer Georg Soros und Deutschen Installation, eines kriminellen Enterprise.

DPNE Ministers keep getting jailed by those who should be in jail


Former Minister of Interior Gordana Jankulovska checked-in Idrizovo prison cell earlier today for her “crime” of being involved in the purchase of a Government bulletproof Mercedes which is still heavily used not just for transporting foreign dignitaries, but is often privately used by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev.

In related news, former Minister of Transport Mile Janakieski, who faces sentencing in one of the dozen trials the Zaev regime initiated against him, said that it is preposterous that he is in Court for an attack that never happened, while an actual attack against him is left uninvestigated.

Janakieski is charged with “organizing violent protests” in 2013, when conservative protesters gathered in front of the Centar municipality, as the left wing majority on the Centar council was preparing to vote in a way that would prevent the reconstruction of a historic church torn down by the Communist regime. No injuries occurred during the protest, unlike during many left wing protests earlier and especially during the latter Colored Revolution.

Don’t worry Janakieski, DPNE’s leader Mickoski will save you, there is a protest underway for lowering the cost of electricity.



June 16, 2011
Police on Wednesday rejected protesters' demands for the resignation of the police minister Gordana Jankuloska following the fatal police beating of a young man.

Die Grünen Ratten des Betruges, toben natürlich bis heute auch in Bosnien herum.

Tarnfleck für die Niedertracht

Die Tagesschau kaschiert die deutschen Umtriebe im Kosovo, dem mafiösen Abfallprodukt der Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens.
28.10.2019 von Volker Bräutigam, Friedhelm Klinkhamme

 „Die Institutionen sind fest in der Hand der politischen Elite und werden von ihr genutzt, um sich und ihre Anhänger zu bereichern. Die Parteien sind eigentlich Klientelsysteme, in denen Gefolgschaft gegen Jobs und Aufträge getauscht wird. Zum anderen haben sich die internationalen Protektoren (Anmerkung: gemeint sind Merkel und Co.) nach dem Krieg schnell mit dieser Elite arrangiert,...........
 „Herausgekommen ist ein sogenannter Failed State, ein Verbrecherstaat, der von Kriminellen regiert wird. Drogenhandel, Menschenhandel, Waffengeschäfte, Geldwäscherei in jedem Sinne: Das lesen Sie in jeder internationalen Agentur. Bis hinauf in die höchsten Regierungsspitzen ist die kosovarische Regierung von Kriminellen durchsetzt, und der Präsident, der dort oben an der Spitze steht, Herr Thaci (Anmerkung: gemeint war Haradinaj) stand ja schon vor einem Gericht und sollte angeklagt werden. Aber sämtliche Zeugen in diesem Prozess sind umgebracht worden. Ich habe keinen Aufschrei im Deutschen Bundestag gehört“ (41).
Lazim Destani merr pjesë në konferencën e nivelit të lartë në Berlin
Lalzim Destani : Frank Walter Steinmeier

Das EU und Berliner Desaster, welche das Vermögen von Europa mit Kriminellen Kriegs-Macher vernichten

Angela Merkel Gestalten auch hier dabei
Investigativer Report: Korrupte EU Gestalten liessen sich mit 2,8 Milliarden Euro von der Aserbeischan Mafia kaufen (TAP – Pipeline)


Between 2014 and 2017 Albania became the main illegal producer of cannabis and the country with highest rates of human trafficking in Europe, which was confirmed by the EU, Europol[1], the US State Department[2] and the United Nations[3]. Saimir Tahiri (PS) of direct involvement in drug trade. Publication of  wiretaps on 30 January 2019 revealed that dozens of socialist MPs, socialist mayors and other high officials were linked with organised crime through vote-buying, voter intimidation, document forging and other criminal activities before and during the 2017 general elections. There is clear evidence of collusion at high level between the socialist government and bosses of drug/human trafficking gangs, which enabled the thriving of drug production and trade in Albania.

All this time the opposition accused the socialist government, especially the then Minister of the Interior

The illegitimate local election held on 30 June 2019 confirmed the allegations of the criminal nature of Rama's regime. It was soon found that the Mayor of Shkodra Valdrin Pjetri, who was elected at that illegitimate election, had been convicted on drug charges in Italy. The Mayor of Vorë Agim Kajmaku had been arrested in Greece for forgery of money.It was found that he used the fake name Jorgo Toto and counterfeited his identity documents. There are also numerous other cases of criminal activities in Albania. The IFIMES International Institute has mentioned some of them in its previous analyses, such as the activities of Albanian power corporation KESh (Adrian Cela)which represents a nest of crime in the energy sector.


Nordmazedoniens "eiserne Engel" sind tief gefallen

Eine Korruptionsaffäre um Sonderstaatsanwältin Katica Janeva erschüttert das Vertrauen in die Politik und den Staat

Der Spiegel, wo wie immer wichtige Details vertuscht  wird, das man auf Kosten der EU, nach Mazedonien reiste, um den Skandal zu vertuschen. 

Korruptionsaffäre in Nordmazedonien Revolutionsheldin unter Verdacht
Sie galt als Symbolfigur im Kampf gegen Korruption, jetzt scheint die Ermittlerin Katica Janeva selbst in einen prominenten Erpressungsfall verstrickt zu sein. Warum die Affäre das Land auf dem Balkan hart trifft.
Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva was taken from her home in Kozle at 10am local time.

She got into a car accompanied by several people, but there were no handcuffs on her hands. Her escort opened the door of an unmarked police vehicle. More information is expected about the action in Koze, where a major police presence is reported.
Prosecutor Katica Janeva has been taken for questioning, although there is no information as to in what capacity, she was also questioned yesterday in the presence of an attorney.
MINA finds Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva has been arrested by an order of the head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska. Both Janeva and Ruskoska are close friends, thus this arrest appears more of a theater show considering Janeva was given nearly a month to destroy evidence that ties her and Zaev to racketeering: phones, computers were destroyed, documents disappeared

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