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Unnütze Forderungen der EU Mafia, durch Robert Bosch: Serbien soll seine Verfassung ändern


 Eine der unnützten Ratten der EU Diplomaten, fordert von Serbien die Änderung der Verfassung:

Dutch Diplomat Says Serbia Has to Change Its Constitution, Not Kosovo

Former ambassador of The Netherlands to Kosovo, Robert Bosch criticised the EU special Envoy for the Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak on his statement about changing Kosovo’s Constitution.

“I cannot imagine that an experienced diplomat as Lajcak in his capacity of special EU-envoy has asked Kosovo to change the constitution in order to make ASM [Association of Serb-majority Municipalities] possible,” Bosch wrote on Facebook.

He added that Serbia needs to change its Constitution as it claims Kosovo as part of its territory.

“As Edita Tahiri rightly said, it is Serbia that has to change the constitution as in the annexe of 1244 it is said that for Kosovo the situation of 1989, autonomous entity, is valid again. Guess Lajcak has to do some homework,” Bosch wrote.

Kosovo’s former chief negotiator in talks with Serbia, Edita Tahiri had told Lajcak that to reach a final agreement, Serbia should change its constitution by removing Kosovo from it.

Miroslav Lajcak sparked strong reactions in Kosovo following his statement that the Constitution of Kosovo “is not a Bible” and it should change.



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