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UN Ermittler: Jose Pablo Baraybar, als UNMIK Ermittler der Organ Entnahme durch die KLA, mit dem Dolmetsher: Lulzim Basha


Gedeckt, vom kriminellen Enterprise der NATO, Steinmeier, Europa

 Lulzim Basha, hat wohl als Dolmetscher die Organ Entnahme in Burrel frei erfunden, wie es immer wieder Dolmetscher machen. Die geheimen Protokolle, den Dick Marty Bericht, haben wir veröffentlicht, denn Lulzim Basha, will seit Jahren Nichts mehr von dieser Tätigkeit wissen und Salih Berisha, verhinderte Ermittlungen in Albanien. Geflutet wurde damals der Kosovo, von kriminellen Amerikanern, Britten, Gestalten wie Michael Steiner, oder Kouchner. Und vorneweg, Berufslose Profi Kriminelle Lobbyisten, Joschka Fischer Idioten bis zu Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, mit Uschi Eid, die einen Wettlauf machten, wer seine korrupte Verblödung am schnellsten vergolden kann.


 UN expert: DP’s head Lulzim Basha accompanied me to Kukës to investigate “KLA prisons” 



UN expert: DP’s head Lulzim Basha accompanied me to Kukës to investigate “KLA prisons”

09/11/2020 15:38

UN legal expert Jose Pablo Baraybar, of Peruvian descent, who has worked in many war crimes scenes in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, says he has been able to enter Albania twice, posing as a tourist or road engineer in February 2004, to visit the so called ‘Yellow House’ in the north of the country, mentioned in Dick Marty’s report on organ trafficking.

In an interview for the newspaper “Le Temp” of Switzerland, he told in 2010 how he was able to come to Albania, and who was the translator who accompanied him. Pablo Baraybar adds: “My translator was called Lulëzim Basha. He worked for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He later became Minister of Public Works in Albania and I heard him say last year that this history of organs was broccoli. While I know he knows. He was with me. “He had the file,” he said referring to the current head of the opposition.

“The biggest problem was that UNMIK had no jurisdiction over Albania. It was impossible to make an official request, so to try to verify some information in the file, I passed as a tourist in an ordinary car,” he said.

A few days later, the Peuran expert in an interview for Top Channel in 2010, confirms that in Kukës, looking as a tourist for KLA prisons and the alleged cemetery of KLA victims, he was accompanied by Lulzim Basha.


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