Was von diesen Quoten Frauen zu erwarten ist, hat viele Staaten schon ruiniert. Man muss nur korrupt und dumm sein, Georg Soros Bildung haben und schon wird jeder Staat ruiniert. KAS, FES und Georg Soros Bestechungs System und schon ist jeder Staat ruiniert, wenn nur die Dümmsten Posten bekommen.
Lupenreine "Georg Soros" Tussi, wird mit ihrer Korruption komplett ruinieren: Maia Sandu, der Untergang von Moldawien
The miracle of Hausmann: How money can pay for blatant lies?
Moldovan Socialists Push to Cut Powers of Asset Inspectorate
Socialist deputies attending a press conference in Chisinau, Moldova, March 11, 2019. Photo: EPA/Doru Dumitru
Eleven Socialist Party deputies signed a draft bill on Thursday designed to reduce the powers of the National Integrity Authority, the body which verifies the legality of assets and conflicts of interests among state employees.
Moldova is one of the worst affected countries in Europe by corruption, according to various international rankings, and the EU has repeatedly criticised a lack of political will to tackle this widespread phenomenon.
The draft law elaborated by the Socialists would cut the timeframe for verifying the assets of officials from three years to one and contains other amendments that substantially affect the activity of this institution. The law also waters down the disciplinary sanctions applied in case of violations of the legal regime.....