Ein Überlebender Passagier, war ein Araber, in dem Albaner Buss, verschwand nachdem Unfall spurlos
BulgarienMindestens 46 Menschen sterben bei Busunfall
Bei einem schweren Busunglück in Bulgarien sind mindestens 45 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Der Unfall ereignete sich in der Nacht zu Dienstag auf der Struma-Autobahn.
Sofia - Bei einem schweren Busunglück in Bulgarien sind in der Nacht zum Dienstag Dutzende Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur BTA berichtete unter Berufung auf das Innenministerium, es gebe mindestens 46 Tote, darunter mehrere Kinder.
Einige Verletzte seien in ein Krankenhaus nach Sofia gebracht worden, keiner davon schwebe in Lebensgefahr. Insgesamt hätten sich etwa 50 Passagiere und zwei Fahrer in dem Bus befunden, berichtete das Staatsradio unter Verweis auf die Polizei.
Macedonian Bus operated Without a License – smuggled Oil and Fireworks while transporting children
Macedonia corrupt Ministry of Transport has confirmed that the bus which transported 52 passengers had been operating without an actual license to transport passengers. The remarkable fact is that the Ministry reported on this as if it’s perfectly normal – “BESA Trans who transported passengers across multiple countries, don’t have the licenses to do such business since 2018”.
MINA finds, the real reason why BESA Trans doesn’t have a license to operate since 2018 is because they had to pay and maintain their previous license which expired in 2018, however with DUI and SDSM in power, instead of paying for a license, you can simply bribe DUI and SDSM officials and operate without one.
This sector is managed by DUI’s Rufat Huseini
But this isn’t the only insane thing. The bus, per Bulgarian news BGNES was full of fireworks (30,000+ fireworks pieces), and in addition had a secret compartment installed to smuggle an extra 1 ton of diesel fuel. Bulgarian media says this is the reason why the bus was engulfed with fire and burned with such ferocity.
MINA finds, BESA Trans whose owner is close friends with multiple DUI officials, used children as a cover for the operation to smuggle diesel fuel and fireworks which are then resold on the Macedonian market for The New Year celebration. And if you think there will be some sort of responsibility or accountability about this travesty, think again.