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65.000 Bankkonten in Bosnien sind durch das Finanzamt blockiert

Die Wirtschaft ist überall ziemlich am Boden im Balkan, mit Ausnahme von Bulgarien, was nur eine unbedeutende Staats Verschuldung hat Number of Insolvent Firms Rises in Bosnia
The Bosnian Central Bank reported that the number of companies with blocked bank accounts had risen by several thousand since last year's data was released.
Elvira M. Jukic
Around 65,000 bank accounts of around 40,000 business subjects in Bosnia and Herzegovina were reported to be blocked, the Central Bank said in a report on December 2.

This was some 600 more than last month and almost 4,000 more than in the same period last year.

Vladimir Blagojevic, of the Republika Srpska Business Chamber, told Balkan Insight that fears that 2013 would be a tough year for business had come true, and that thousands more companies had ended up with blocked accounts.

“Although there were some positive movements, especially in industrial production, many businesses fell into illiquidity,” he said.

One of the many reasons that Blagojevic gave for this is the various taxes that companies have to pay.

“Fiscal burdens lead to a difficult position and one result is blocked bank accounts,” he said, adding that the Business Chamber had asked the government of the mainly Serb entity to make changes next year to ease the business environment.

“We have asked the government to abolish the taxes on dividend and on revenue,” Blagojevic noted, adding that some foreign companies with subsidiaries or branch offices in Republika Srpska had decided to move to the other entity, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Central Bank report showed that insolvent private businesses included groceries, gas stations, restaurants, agencies, doctors, taxi drivers, sports unions and even municipalities.

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