Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow sagte in seiner Ansprache vor dem Ministerrat der OSZE, dass sich die Organisation in einem beklagenswerten Zustand befinde.
Lavrov: Serbia was robbed of Kosovo
Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said in his address to the
Council of Ministers of the OSCE, that the organization is in a
deplorable state.
Foto: Tanjug/AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski
He pointed out that the perspectives of that organization are not clear.
a little more than a year, the Helsinki Final Act will be 50 years old.
We regret to say that the OSCE welcomes this anniversary in a sad
state, and its prospects are unclear," said Lavrov.
stated that it was the countries of NATO and the European Union that
destroyed the military-political dimension of the OSCE, back in 1999. At
that time, he recalled, the North Atlantic Alliance carried out gross
aggression against Yugoslavia, a member of the OSCE and the UN.
2008, in violation of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and
the principle of the inviolability of borders in Europe from the
Helsinki Final Act, Serbia was robbed of Kosovo without any referendum,"
said Lavrov.
According to him, Western
countries use the OSCE for the interests of NATO. "The expansion of NATO
to the east is one of the factors undermining security in Europe",
pointed out Lavrov and stated that last year, the question addressed to
the USA - how they comment on the fact that they must not strengthen
their own at the expense of the security of others - remained
He also stated that the West, by
imposing sanctions on Russia, wanted to destroy the Russian economy, and
that the EU obeyed America in this regard.
US and its European satellites have imposed thousands of sanctions on
Russia, putting an end to the broad practical cooperation between the
East and the West in our once common region," Lavrov said.
stated that Kyiv's goal is to eradicate everything Russian, which, he
says, it has overcome so far, because in Ukraine the existence of
Russians and their key role in the creation of Ukraine is denied.
people are deprived of contact with Russian culture, language, books
and media, and the OSCE is silent about it," said Lavrov.
kept silent, he says, and Brussels is still silent as well, which does
not point out that it is necessary to respect the rights of all national
minorities, as stipulated in numerous documents.
who are supposed to ensure the freedom of the media are silent when we
ask them why all the media that publish news disagreeable with the
ideology of the West are shutting down," Lavrov said.
Fundamentalismus, Terror und die geistige Ohnmacht des Westens

Norbert Bolz stellt in seinem Vortrag den Terror nicht nur in den Kontext
des islamischen Fundamentalismus, sondern er erklärt auch seine
eigentümliche Faszinationskraft für viele Menschen, die sich aus der
Weltgesellschaft ausgeschlossen fühlen. Und Bolz erläutert darüber hinaus
auch, warum es der westlichen Welt nicht gelingt, eine nicht nur
militärische, sondern auch geistige Antwort auf die Herausforderung des
islamistischen Terrors zu finden.
Hier geht es zum wie gewohnt interessanten Vortrag von N. Bolz.