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Die Deutsche Telekom im Visier der US Bestechungs Fahnder

Viel Geld wurde schon aufgewendet, diese Ermittlungs Verfahren zu verhindern. Denn die Deutsche Telekom, ist auch in die Bestechungs Geschäfte der OTE in Griechenland extrem auffällig geworden.

Mercedes und Siemens musste schon hohe Straf Gebühren an die SEC bezahlen. Siemens zog sich inzwischen vom US Aktien Markt zurück, und die Telekom mit der Tochter in Ungarn ist nun im Visier, wo Politisch viel versucht wurde, diese Bestechungs Orgien der Deutschen zuvertuschen. Bereits die Bestechungs Geschäfte der Bundesdruckerei in Albanien mit Ludgar Vollmer unter der Ilir Meta Regierung, liessen die Amerikaner damals auffliegen.

21 Mar 14
US Urges Probe Into Montenegro Telekom Sale
US regulators have urged a thorough probe into the privatisation of the state-owned Montenegrin telecommunications company in 2005.
Dusica Tomovic
PodgoricaThe US Commission of Security and Stock Exchange had evidence of bribery in the privatization of the telecommunications company Montenegrin Telekom, the US embassy in Podgorica said on Wednesday.

Evidence of corruption during the sale was revealed in the US when Magyar Telekom shares were listed on the American Stock Exchange.

Magyar Telekom obtained a 76.53 per cent interest in Montenegrin Telekom in 2005 and thus became the majority owner of the company. Deutsche Telekom AG meanwhile holds 59.21 per cent of the Magyar Telekom shares.

US investigating authorities have received information that three directors of Magyar Telekom bribed several Montenegrin officials as well as the “sister of a senior official who is practicing law”.

The US embassy in Podgorica called on the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and bring any guilty parties in this case to justice.

In 2012, the Montenegrin parliament launched a probe into alleged corruption in the privatisation of Telekom. But the parliamentary committee finished its work nine months later with no official findings.
The leader of opposition NOVA party, Andrija Mandic, who led the parliamentary inquiry, said the state prosecutor should now prosecute all persons suspected of corruption in the Telekom affair.
"Telekom was abducted from the citizens of Montenegro by the corruption of several people from the current Montenegrin authorities," Mandic said on Wednesday.
Zoran Jelic, of the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, who was also a member of the parliamentary investigation, agreed that if the probe proved that someone broke the law, they should be punished.

Montenegro Ruling Party Replaces Controversial Mayor

Miomir Mugosa's long reign as Mayor of Podgorica is coming to an end as the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, puts up a new face in the spring election.

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