Geschäfts Modell in Albanien: Exporte nach Griechenland und jeder der Bomben für Morde brauchte. Live Terroristen und das als NATO Mitglied.
Die einzige EU und US Politik war viele Jahre: Freie Fahrt für Kriminelle, Mörder, Terroristen, denn es sind unsere Partner für Geschäfte. Drei junge Nord Albaner aus der Banditen Region des Salih Berisha Tropoje, hatten einen lukrativen Markt aufgebaut mit Export für Handy ferngesteuerte Bomben. Alle mit Militärischer Ausbildung, was auch nicht überraschen kann, im Berisha Skandal Militär der Null Diziplin. Verkaufs Preis: 1.800 - 2.500 €, ein Grund warum es soviel Fern gezündete Bomben gibt. 7 für den Verkauf bestimmte Spreng Bomben wurden beschlagnahmt, über 50 Kilo Militär Sprengstoff Tritol, den man Kilo weise bei dem Albanischen Militär nach Hause nehmen kann, wie andere Fälle zeigen. 1-Kleo Gjinkola, 22 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në Shëngjin, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist me pagesë pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. 2-Alban Dodaj, 22 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në fshatin Laim i Ri, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist me pagesë pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. 3-Fran Kola, 25 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në Balldre, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. Soldiers arrested for selling dynamite 15/07/2014 Soldiers arrested for selling dynamite A wide operation of the Durres, Lezhe and Tirana Police, brought the destruction of a criminal network of production and selling of remotely controlled bombs. Seven remotely controlled mines and C4 explosives were caught by the Durres Police, while three others have been arrested, all professional soldiers of the 1010 division in the Vau I Dejes, Shkoder. The investigations on this criminal group started three months ago, after the Durres Police was notified about a traffic of remotely controlled mines from Monte Negro to Albania and Greece. During this operation was made possible the identification and arrest of three organizers of this traffic, who are professional soldiers of the Vau i Dejes Division, Kleo Gjinkola, 22, from Shengjin. Alban Dodaj, 22, from Laim i Ri from Lezhe, and Fran Kola, 25, from the Balldre village of Lezhe...........Top Channel
Goditet grupi kriminal i bombave me celular. Policia e Durrësit në bashkëpunim me strukturat e saj në rrethe ka bllokuar disa bomba të telekomanduara…
Durrës, kapet grupi kriminal i tregtimit të bombave-...
Die einzige EU und US Politik war viele Jahre: Freie Fahrt für Kriminelle, Mörder, Terroristen, denn es sind unsere Partner für Geschäfte. Drei junge Nord Albaner aus der Banditen Region des Salih Berisha Tropoje, hatten einen lukrativen Markt aufgebaut mit Export für Handy ferngesteuerte Bomben. Alle mit Militärischer Ausbildung, was auch nicht überraschen kann, im Berisha Skandal Militär der Null Diziplin. Verkaufs Preis: 1.800 - 2.500 €, ein Grund warum es soviel Fern gezündete Bomben gibt. 7 für den Verkauf bestimmte Spreng Bomben wurden beschlagnahmt, über 50 Kilo Militär Sprengstoff Tritol, den man Kilo weise bei dem Albanischen Militär nach Hause nehmen kann, wie andere Fälle zeigen. 1-Kleo Gjinkola, 22 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në Shëngjin, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist me pagesë pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. 2-Alban Dodaj, 22 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në fshatin Laim i Ri, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist me pagesë pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. 3-Fran Kola, 25 vjeç, lindur dhe banues në Balldre, Lezhë, me detyrë ushtar profesionist pranë repartit ushtarak 1010, Vau i Dejës, Shkodër. Soldiers arrested for selling dynamite 15/07/2014 Soldiers arrested for selling dynamite A wide operation of the Durres, Lezhe and Tirana Police, brought the destruction of a criminal network of production and selling of remotely controlled bombs. Seven remotely controlled mines and C4 explosives were caught by the Durres Police, while three others have been arrested, all professional soldiers of the 1010 division in the Vau I Dejes, Shkoder. The investigations on this criminal group started three months ago, after the Durres Police was notified about a traffic of remotely controlled mines from Monte Negro to Albania and Greece. During this operation was made possible the identification and arrest of three organizers of this traffic, who are professional soldiers of the Vau i Dejes Division, Kleo Gjinkola, 22, from Shengjin. Alban Dodaj, 22, from Laim i Ri from Lezhe, and Fran Kola, 25, from the Balldre village of Lezhe...........Top Channel
Goditet grupi kriminal i bombave me celular. Policia e Durrësit në bashkëpunim me strukturat e saj në rrethe ka bllokuar disa bomba të telekomanduara…
Durrës, kapet grupi kriminal i tregtimit të bombave-...