Rumänien: Präsident nennt Premier einen Spion Ziemlich beste Feinde: Premier Victor Ponta (l.) und Präsident Traian Basescu auf einem der seltenen Bilder, die sie zu zweit zeigen. Ziemlich beste Feinde: Premier Victor Ponta (l.) und Präsident Traian Basescu auf einem der seltenen Bilder, die sie zu zweit zeigen. / Bild: (c) REUTERS (� Bogdan Cristel / Reuters) Der Regierungschef, der gute Chancen hat, im November zum neuen Staatschef gewählt zu werden, soll für den Auslandsgeheimdienst gearbeitet haben. 14.10.2014 | 13:14 | ( Sie sind einander seit Jahren in inniger Feindschaft verbunden, doch die jüngsten Vorwürfe von Rumäniens scheidendem Präsidenten Traian Basescu an die Adresse seines Rivalen und wahrscheinlichen Nachfolgers Victor Ponta haben dann doch eine neue Qualität: Basescu wirft Ponta vor, zwischen 1997 und 2001 verdeckter Offizier des Auslands-Geheimdienstes SIE gewesen zu sein, also ein Spion. Dies erklärte Basescu am Montagabend in einem Fernseh-Interview. Investorakademie: Wo locken heute attraktive Zinsen? Hören Sie Branchenexperten am 23. Oktober 2014 um 18:00 Uhr im mumok: Lounge und erfahren Sie welche Anlageformen profitabel sind. Weitere Informationen » Das erkläre laut Basescu auch den raschen Aufstieg des damals als Staatsanwalt tätigen Ponta von einer Bukarester Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft direkt zur Generalstaatsanwaltschaft, der er 1998 zugewiesen wurde. „Es ist gar keine Bombe, es ist eine Realität, die ich nachzuweisen bereit bin“, sagte Basescu. Ponta: "Bloße Lügen" Nachdem der Präsident bereits vor Wochen behauptet hatte, dass sich unter den 14 Präsidentschaftskandidaten ein verdeckter Offizier befinde, hatte Ponta verneint, dass es sich um ihn handeln könnte. Die Verfassung verbietet Staatsanwälten andere Aktivitäten im öffentlichen Dienst. Auch die konkreten Vorwürfe wies er nun vehement zurück: Es handle sich um "bloße Lügen".
Mutmaßlicher Wahlbetrug Anklage gegen rumänischen Vizepremier
Electoral campaign in Romania hits the ceiling: PM Victor Ponta, alleged secret agent
By Daniel Stroe – Bucharest
The presidential campaign in Romania has hit a high following revelations last night by President Traian Basescu who broke a month long silence by disclosing PM Victor Ponta, a fronr runner in next month’s presidential elections, is a former under cover agent working for Romanian foreign intelligence service SIE.
Early September, Basescu had warned one of the candidates to the top job in the country is hiding his past and urged him to come clean. At that time, he pointed out that he would be forced to reveal the truth himself if his appeal falls on deaf ears. “Yes, because I have the obligation to do it. When we talk about the position of president of Romania, you cannot miss to inform, no one says the service should do it, because the low doesn’t allow it, but the candidate has the obligation to do it. I will be able to come up with evidence about what this double button means” Basescu added.
The media quickly turned their attention to the main two contenders, PM Victor Ponta, and his rival Klaus Iohannis, German ethnic mayor of Sibiu, a city in central Romania. They both denied having worked for a secret service.
Last night, a little more than a month after making the above-mentioned statements, Basescu said that it is PM Ponta he was talking about when speaking of the former under cover agent seeking to become president. “Victor Ponta has to admit that he was a SIE under cover agent between 1997 and 2001” when Ponta was a prosecutor, Basescu said last night in a TV talk show. The President said he had become suspicious in 2013 when a senator publicly asked Ponta whether he had been a secret agent and the latter refused to answer.
Basescu also accused Teodor Melescanu, until last month director of SIE who gave up his job to join the presidential race, of covering Ponta and refusing to publicly admit there are former secret agents in the Romanian Government. The head of state also pointed out Ponta broke the law when accepting to work for SIE because the law banned a prosecutor from deploying such activities. Basescu also underlined he is not breaking any law when making such revelations since “it is inadmissible for the secret services to have officers in the government, parliament and the justice field”.- See more at:
Skandale ohne Ende in Rumänien: von der SPD Lobby Mafia mit Steinmeier, Gernot Erler und Co. vollkommen ruiniert durch Bestechungs und Korruption:
Die selben Berufs Ganoven wie damals wo nur Namen gewechselt haben. Damals Klaus Mangold, heute der Idiot Eckard Cordes der Sanktionen gegen Russland sogar fordete und dann jammern anfing.Mutmaßlicher Wahlbetrug Anklage gegen rumänischen Vizepremier
Electoral campaign in Romania hits the ceiling: PM Victor Ponta, alleged secret agent
Electoral campaign in Romania hits the ceiling: PM Victor Ponta, alleged secret agent
By Daniel Stroe – Bucharest
The presidential campaign in Romania has hit a high following revelations last night by President Traian Basescu who broke a month long silence by disclosing PM Victor Ponta, a fronr runner in next month’s presidential elections, is a former under cover agent working for Romanian foreign intelligence service SIE.
Early September, Basescu had warned one of the candidates to the top job in the country is hiding his past and urged him to come clean. At that time, he pointed out that he would be forced to reveal the truth himself if his appeal falls on deaf ears. “Yes, because I have the obligation to do it. When we talk about the position of president of Romania, you cannot miss to inform, no one says the service should do it, because the low doesn’t allow it, but the candidate has the obligation to do it. I will be able to come up with evidence about what this double button means” Basescu added.
The media quickly turned their attention to the main two contenders, PM Victor Ponta, and his rival Klaus Iohannis, German ethnic mayor of Sibiu, a city in central Romania. They both denied having worked for a secret service.
Last night, a little more than a month after making the above-mentioned statements, Basescu said that it is PM Ponta he was talking about when speaking of the former under cover agent seeking to become president. “Victor Ponta has to admit that he was a SIE under cover agent between 1997 and 2001” when Ponta was a prosecutor, Basescu said last night in a TV talk show. The President said he had become suspicious in 2013 when a senator publicly asked Ponta whether he had been a secret agent and the latter refused to answer.
Basescu also accused Teodor Melescanu, until last month director of SIE who gave up his job to join the presidential race, of covering Ponta and refusing to publicly admit there are former secret agents in the Romanian Government. The head of state also pointed out Ponta broke the law when accepting to work for SIE because the law banned a prosecutor from deploying such activities. Basescu also underlined he is not breaking any law when making such revelations since “it is inadmissible for the secret services to have officers in the government, parliament and the justice field”.