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Der Neanderthaler der Albaner Terroristen Mafia: Ali Ahmeti hatte einen Unfall


Ali Ahmeti fährt gegen eine Maut Gebühren Stelle, weil er Nacht blind ist. Albaner erhalten auch in Deutschland Führerscheine, obwohl wegen der Mangel Ernährung Nacht und Farben blind ist, oft nicht lesen und schreiben kann und Verkehrsregeln nicht kapiert. Ali Ahmeti der Balkan Wurzel Zwerg, ohne jede Bildung, Bin Laden finanziert, stand lange auf der Terrorismus Einreise Verbots Liste und war Partner von Solana, weil man gemeinsam so schön EU Geld vernichten konnte.

Ali Ahmeti kassierte eine Invalisten Rente in der Schweiz, weil er Schizophren ist.  Solche Gestalten, sind bevorzugte Partner der EU, NATO, US Kriminellen.
Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

Ali Ahmeti - DUI und das FBI Terroristen case = FYROM Budali

 Die Deppen Brigade der Albanischen Politiker fuehrt schnell von Ali Ahmeti, auch zu der Kumanova Mafia mit Verwandten von Hashim Thaci. Einer Duemmer wie der Andere, wobei Ali Ahmeti, sogar verkuendet im TV, das Alexander der Grosse, ein Albaner sei. Man war schon auf der Terroristen Einreise Verbots Liste der Amerikaner, und hat immer noch grosse Probleme mit dem FBI. Wurzel Zwerg, der als Bildnungs Idiot, ein paar dumme und korrupte NATO und EU Politiker zur Finanzierung fand, vor ueber 10 Jahren, darunter Joschka Fischer und Solana.

Der Mazedonische Idiot Ali Ahmeti +FYROM Budali 
Ishte nisur të takonte Metën, aksidentohet rrugës kreu i BDI, Ali Ahmeti
Postuar më: 21 Janar, 2015 tek Lajmi i fundit
Kryetari i BDI-së Ali Ahmeti është aksidentuar me makinën e tij. Agjencia e Lajmeve maqedonase, Zhurnal online shkruan se nga aksidenti i ndodhur paraditen e sotme është plagosur lehetë kreu i BDI-së, ndërsa shoferi i makinës është në gjendje të rëndë.
Lajmi është bërë i ditur për Zhurnal nga dëshmitarë okularë të aksidentit, sipas të cilëve, makina e kryetarit të BDI-së është përplasur me shtyllat e betonit në ardhje nga Kërçova.
Ahmeti po udhëtonte drejt Shkupit për të takuar kryetarin e Kuvendit të Shqipërisë, Ilir Meta.

Hier erklärt Ali Ahmeti, das Alexander der Grosse, ein Albaner gewesen ist. Welche Quellen das Sagen und Wissenschaftler bleibt im Nichts seines dummen Hirns verborgen

Die Dümmsten Kriminellen des Balkan wurden für Krieg und Terror von den Amerikaner finanziert.
Robert Gelbard: Fatos Klosi: Albanian Secret Service

"'The violence we have seen growing is incredibly dangerous,' Gelbard said. He criticized violence 'promulgated by the (Serb) police' and condemned the actions of an ethnic Albanian underground group Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) which has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on Serb targets. 'We condemn very strongly terrorist actions in Kosovo. The UCK is, without any questions, a terrorist group,' Gelbard said." [Agence France Presse, 2/23/98]
Mr. Gelbard's remarks came just before a KLA attack on a Serbian police station led to a retaliation that left dozens of Albanians dead, leading in turn to a rapid escalation of the cycle of violence. Responding to criticism that his earlier remarks might have been seen as Washington's "green light" to Belgrade that a crack-down on the KLA would be acceptable, Mr. Gelbard offered to clarify to the House Committee on International Relations:
"Questioned by lawmakers today on whether he still considered the group a terrorist organization, Mr. Gelbard said that while it has committed'terrorist acts,'it has 'not been classified legally by the U.S. Government as a terrorist organization.'" [New York Times, 3/13/98]
........................ http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/fr033199.htm

Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans

I am posting this on behalf of TF Blog contributor Darko Trifunovic. Shortly I will be posting two presentations Darko made at the recent Institute for Counterterrorism conference in Herzliya, Israel. Darko’s post follows: ………………………
9 Both Abdul Latif Saleh and Yasin Al-Qadi were represented in court by Idayet Beqiri, political secretary of the “Front of Albanian National Unity” (FBKSh).
Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin LadenEuropean Union has blacklisted other Macedonian citizens of Albanian nationality. Among those added to the blacklist are Idayet Beqiri - leader of so-called Albanian National Army (ANA), Ljirim Jakupi and Agim Krasniqi - leaders of armed group in Kondovo, Fatmir Limani, Ruzhdi Matoshi - Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) Representative in Parliament, Naser Misimi, Taip Mustafa - National Liberation Army (NLA) commander from Gostivar, Ermus Suma - member of Ali Ahmeti's security and Sami Ukshini.

“Camorra-ähnliche Oligarchen-Kaste” der Albanischen Politiker aus Standard.at 

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