Das Alle wegwollen, kann man verstehen, identisch im von korrupten US Gangstern ruinierten Kosovo, wie zuletzt der US Botschafter Alexander Dell, im Verbrecher Imperium des US Department of State: der Firma Bechtel
Die Internationalen Dumm Verbrecher, haben ein Imperium von einr 100 % kriminellen Justiz Mafia errichtet in Albanien, wo die Details schon in 2007 bekannt waren, man aber das eigene verrottete Betrugs System der EU Justiz Missionen, krimineller US Justiz und Polizei Missionen weiter betrieb.
Alarming figures of corruption in the Albanian justice system
By Albanian Correspondent / 10/06/2015 / No Comments
Tirana, 10 June 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency
By Edison Kurani
A minimum of 300 thousand Euros to be appointed a judge or prosecutor in Tirana and starting from 100 thousand Euros in other main Albanian cities.
See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com/alarming-figures-corruption-albanian-justice-system/#sthash.bnYEClzf.dpuf
Robert Parry: Absturz jeder Moral der „Internationalen“ und Schweigen, über die „Gefangenen Lager“ der Albaner Mafia
Juni 10th, 2015
Nur Kriminelle u.a. von der Italienischen Mafia, auch hier die Deutsche Bank als Mafia Pate dabei, wie die Tropolini, Becchetti Mafia.
Die Internationalen Dumm Verbrecher, haben ein Imperium von einr 100 % kriminellen Justiz Mafia errichtet in Albanien, wo die Details schon in 2007 bekannt waren, man aber das eigene verrottete Betrugs System der EU Justiz Missionen, krimineller US Justiz und Polizei Missionen weiter betrieb.
Alarming figures of corruption in the Albanian justice system
By Albanian Correspondent / 10/06/2015 / No Comments
Tirana, 10 June 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency
By Edison Kurani
A minimum of 300 thousand Euros to be appointed a judge or prosecutor in Tirana and starting from 100 thousand Euros in other main Albanian cities.
See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com/alarming-figures-corruption-albanian-justice-system/#sthash.bnYEClzf.dpuf
Robert Parry: Absturz jeder Moral der „Internationalen“ und Schweigen, über die „Gefangenen Lager“ der Albaner Mafia
Juni 10th, 2015
New record of Albanian refugees fleeing to Germany
PRISTINA – The Kosovo Albanians fleeing towards Germany does not seem to stop, Gazeta Express reports. The month of May has marked a new record of Albanian refugees fleeing to Germany, stated the German Ministry of Internal Affairs. In just one month, the number of asylum requests has reached 4922. [image: Illustration - Photo: Marko Djurica / Reuters] Illustration – Photo: Marko Djurica / Reuters April also marked a big number of asylum seekers, reaching in 4794 requests. In total, there are 26 thousand asylum requests in May only, double compared to last year’s number, and only 1000... mehr »
Nur Kriminelle u.a. von der Italienischen Mafia, auch hier die Deutsche Bank als Mafia Pate dabei, wie die Tropolini, Becchetti Mafia.
Albania: Owner of London Football Club Wanted Over ‘Hydro Power Plant Scam’
18:17, June 10, 2015 Prosecutors in the Albanian capital Tirana have issued arrest warrants for the Italian entrepreneur Francesco Becchetti – majority owner of London’s Leyton Orient football club – along with his mother Liliana Condomitti. Authorities also put out warrants for Becchetti's right-hand man in Albania, Mauro De Renzis, and Albanian accountant Erjona Troplini. Together, they are accused of document forgery and money laundering linked to a 1997 concession agreement Becchetti made with the Albanian government to build a hydropower plant that never materialized. Authoritie... mehr »