The first enemy of the albanian people: Salih Berisha and Hashim Thaci
Made by: US Department of State, CIA, SAS, and Frank Walter Steinmeier and Taxi Driver: Joschka Fischer
Kosovo’s Thaci Fails to Rally MPs Behind War Court
Made by: US Department of State, CIA, SAS, and Frank Walter Steinmeier and Taxi Driver: Joschka Fischer
Kosovo’s Thaci Fails to Rally MPs Behind War Court
The bullies who run Kosovo
Hashim Thaçi and the rest of the Kosovar political elite are frustrating investigations into murder, kidnapping, and trafficking in human organs. By Chuck Sudetic 21/7/15, 4:14 PM CET Updated 21/7/15, 5:41 PM CET The Albanians of Kosovo — the Kosovars — revere the United States of America. They also gaze with longing eyes upon their richest near-neighbor, the European Union. And with good reason. The United States and its European NATO allies, after all, carried out the 1999 bombing campaign that wrenched Kosovo from Serbia, and effectively gave it to the 1.7 million Kosovars who com... mehr »
Some Western diplomats and analysts from international organizations say that recent armed clashes between KLA “separatists” and special police in Macedonia, as well as a sudden, surprising surge in the number of illegal Kosovar migrants delivered by people smugglers to Hungary’s border with Serbia in February might have been warnings from Kosovo’s underworld leaders to the EU of what the havoc they can cause the EU if Brussels does not back off on the court issue.
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Assertions that KLA leaders were involved in a spate of kidnappings and murders and other grave crimes after the NATO bombing campaign in 1999 were first aired in 2008 with the publication in Italy of “La Caccia,” the memoirs of the former UN war crimes prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, which I co-authored. Georg Soros, Schwulen Camp beendete mit viel Müll die Demonstation in Skopje - Mazedonien
Sowas finanzieren überall im Balkan auch die Berliner Banditen, wie die Bosch Stiftung, Erste Stiftung und andere Gangster Organisationen. Die Deutsche Botschafterin aus dem Ratten Verein der The six horsemen of the apocalypse, aktiv dabei. [image: JPEG - 36.1 kB]*Fadil Fejzullahu, einer der Anführer der bewaffneten Gruppe, bei dem Einsatz getötet, mit seinem Paten, dem Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten Paul Wohlers.*[image: Support our War-Profiteer Mer 3.5] von Joschka Fischer gab es per Bundesgesetzblatt, sogar Immunität für die Pentagon Söldner Truppe: MPRI, für Drogen und W... mehr »