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Die Amerikaner entsenden die zweite Welle von Terroristen und Mördern, für einen Putsch in Mazedonien

 Diesmal gab es direkte Angriffe auf die lokalen Partei Führungen der DUI der Partei des Ali Ahmeti, welche Regierungs Partner ist. 2 Tode gab es in Struga und Kumanova.

Man will die Regierung in Skopje mit allen Mitteln stürzen, fängt nun mit Morden an, an Verbündeten des Ali Ahmeti, seinen lokalen wichtigsten Leuten wie in Kumanova, oder Struga. Ali Ahmeti ist ein verlässiger Partner der Regierung, weil seine kriminellen Aktivitäten geduldet werden im Gegenzug, was eine Tradition ist.

Wie sagten voraus Anfang Februar, das die Georg Soros Banditen, kriminelle US Botschafter mit Kollegen einen Putsch in Mazdonien organisieren, was mit 70 Kosovo Terroristen teilweise mit US Pass wie Beg Rezaj, ihren Höhepunkt fand Anfang Mai, wo auch 8 Polizisten ermordet wurden, weil die US geführten Terroristen, auch von Ramuz Haradinaj, Dumm Dumm Geschosse benutzten, ihre illegalen Häuser in Kumanova verteidigten.

 Das Albaner ihre Partei Führung ausschiessen, ebenso Wahlen sind keine Seltenheit. In Einfluss Gebieten der Amerikaner ist das normal, wie auch in der Ukraine, wo man mit Mördern und Faschisten jede gewählte Regierung hinweg putscht.

 Tageszeitung “Fakti” beklagt drastische Zunahme der Gewaltkriminalität in den Albanergebieten Mazedoniens!
Iin einem Shoot out in der Partei Zentrale der Verbrecher Partei des Ali Ahmeti DUI, schoss der aktuelle DUI Vorsitzende Bajram Limani, den Terroristen Xhemail Rexhepi, eine Legende des Verbrechens als UCK Kommandant nieder, angeblich in Notwehr erklärt hier Bajram Limani. Andere Terroristen, Verbrecher mit US Pass, wurden Anfang Mai in Kumanova erschossen rund um Beg Rizaj.
Das Interview mit Bajram Limanj, bevor er sich der Polizei stellte, wo der Ex-Kommandant Xhemail Rexhepi einer Terroristen Brigande erschossen wurde.

Bajram Limani, president of the local branch of the DUI party in Kumanovo, Macedonia, has surrendered to the police.
Source: Beta
Limani is a suspect in the murder of Xhemail Rexhepi that took place on Thursday afternoon.
The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) is an ethnic Albanian party that is a member of the ruling Macedonian coalition.Albanian language media are reporting today that the armed incident in Kumanovo was „a showdown between the former and the current DUI leadership in the town after Rexhepi – former ‚Commander Shqiponja‘ of the disbanded National Liberation Army (ONA) – became a candidate for president of the DUI Kumanovo branch.“ Before turning himself in to the police, Limani told Albanian language TV station Alsat-M that he was „sorry about the murder but that the pistol was used in self-defense,“ and that he and his colleagues „came under attack and acted in self-defense.“
Macedonia’s media are quoting police sources to report that eight persons took part in the shooting incident in Kumanovo on Thursday, and that security cameras recorded the whole event.
FOTO-HISTORI: Xhemail Rexhepi, komandant “Shqiponja”, në vitin 2001
Foto 2001: Xhemail Rexhepi: Kommando: Terrorism organisation: Shqiponja
Maqedoni:Vritet Xhemail Rexhepi-komandant Shqiponja
Sot pasdite është plagosur pretendenti kryesor për kryetar dege Xhemail Rexhepi-Komandat Shqiponja me dy shokë të tij, njoftojnë për “Lajm” dëshmitarë okularë.
News24 Jul 15
Junior Ruling Party Official Killed in Kumanovo
A member of Macedonia’s junior ruling ethnic Albanian party, the DUI, was shot dead on Thursday in Kumanovo – scene of a shootout in May between Albanian militants and police.
Sinisa Jakov Maruisc
Kumanovo | Photo by: MacedonianBoy / Wikimedia Commons
The Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, condemned the killing on Thursday of Xhemail Rexhepi, aka Commander Sciponja, a candidate for the post of head of the party’s local branch.
Police said one of the suspects for the killing that apparently followed a brawl between two groups of DUI members had surrendered.
Bajram Limani, acting head of the DUI in Kumanovo, surrendered after telling Alsat M TV that he and his supporters acted in self-defence and had been attacked by Rexhepi’s group in his office.
„We were at our work posts, I as temporary head of DUI’s branch… this group barged in and attacked us, they wanted to tear up the documents and files I had before me. They attacked us with chairs and fists… We were forced to defend our dignity and pulled out our guns to scare them,“ Rexhepi said.
The killing follows other violent incidents within DUI ranks over the past two years. The animosities are seen to be linked to a clash between the party’s so-called intellectual and military wings. Brawls intensified last year when the party announced elections for the leading positions in the local branches.
In October 2014, five people were wounded, one seriously, by a gun fight in the DUI branch in Saraj, near Skopje. In December 2014 a fight between DUI members in Struga left several people in hospital.
The DUI was formed in 2002, soon after the armed conflict between Albanian insurgents and the security forces ended, mainly by leaders of the former insurgents.
Clashes in Kumanovo between ethnic Albanian militants and the security forces in May left 22 dead, including eight police.

Friday, July 24, 2015 Macedonia: Albanian party official surrenders to police Bajram Limani, president of the local branch of the DUI party in Kumanovo, Macedonia, has surrendered to the police. Source: Beta Friday, July 24, 2015 | 12:49 nullLimani is a suspect in the murder of Xhemail Rexhepi that took place on Thursday afternoon. The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) is an ethnic Albanian party that is a member of the ruling Macedonian coalition. Albanian language media are reporting today that the armed incident in Kumanovo was "a showdown between the former and the current DUI leadership in the town after Rexhepi - former 'Commander Shqiponja' of the disbanded National Liberation Army (ONA) - became a candidate for president of the DUI Kumanovo branch." Before turning himself in to the police, Limani told Albanian language TV station Alsat-M that he was "sorry about the murder but that the pistol was used in self-defense," and that he and his colleagues "came under attack and acted in self-defense." Macedonia's media are quoting police sources to report that eight persons took part in the shooting incident in Kumanovo on Thursday, and that security cameras recorded the whole event. Rexhepi was shot and killed while sitting in a cafe in Kumanovo's Bedinje neighborhood. Two other persons who were with him were wounded, one lightly and the other seriously. The DUI party last night called on the authorities to "clear up completely" the armed incident that resulted in Rexhepi's death. http://smarkos.blogspot.de/2015/07/macedonia-albanian-party-official.html Friday, July 24, 2015 Macedonia: Albanian party official surrenders to police Bajram Limani, president of the local branch of the DUI party in Kumanovo, Macedonia, has surrendered to the police. Source: Beta Friday, July 24, 2015 | 12:49 (Beta/AP, file) (Beta/AP, file) Limani is a suspect in the murder of Xhemail Rexhepi that took place on Thursday afternoon. The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) is an ethnic Albanian party that is a member of the ruling Macedonian coalition. Albanian language media are reporting today that the armed incident in Kumanovo was "a showdown between the former and the current DUI leadership in the town after Rexhepi - former 'Commander Shqiponja' of the disbanded National Liberation Army (ONA) - became a candidate for president of the DUI Kumanovo branch." Before turning himself in to the police, Limani told Albanian language TV station Alsat-M that he was "sorry about the murder but that the pistol was used in self-defense," and that he and his colleagues "came under attack and acted in self-defense." Macedonia's media are quoting police sources to report that eight persons took part in the shooting incident in Kumanovo on Thursday, and that security cameras recorded the whole event. Rexhepi was shot and killed while sitting in a cafe in Kumanovo's Bedinje neighborhood. Two other persons who were with him were wounded, one lightly and the other seriously. The DUI party last night called on the authorities to "clear up completely" the armed incident that resulted in Rexhepi's death. http://smarkos.blogspot.de/2015/07/macedonia-albanian-party-official.html DUI official killed in Struga !nullArtan Musliu, an official of DUI in Struga has been killed. The murder happened in the morning. The motives or the perpetrators are not known, and the event occurred on the road called "Kongresi i Manatstirit", writes "Lajm". According to the information coming from Struga, in the incident was wounded the deputy / director of the Public Revenue in Macedonia, Argetim Asani. Artan Musliu is known in Struga not only as a successful businessman. /albeu.com/ Published on: July 25, 2015 

NATO Secret Report, english
Der NATO Geheim Bericht 47 Seiten, über den Super Verbrecher Xhavit Halili und Hashim Thaci, bis Ekrem Lluka

14 Feb 2011 / 08:12
Ali Ahmeti’s Chaoten Truppe

Muster Beispiel auch die Deutsche Botschafterin Christine Altmann in Skopje, welche nicht genug hat, als Geistes Wissenschaftlerin, einmal nur den Mund zuhalten, was ihrem Dienstherrn der Inkompetenz Frank Walter Steinmeier auch unbekannt ist.

NATO secrets: The Mafia family: Hashim Thaci and his brother in Law: Bajrush Sejdiu: Kumanova: Drug and cigarett schmuggler, from Durres to Macedonis, Kosovo, Balkan, Bulgaria and Europa
Bajrush Sejdiu, Hashim ThaciHashim Thaci,
Bajrush Sejdiu, Hashim Thaci
Rückblick über die Putsche der Verbrecher Organisation USA, überall und immer mit Kriminellen.

Mazedonien als Opfer internationaler Ignoranz?
Prof. Dr. Wolf Oschlies 

SAS-Mi6-CIA und die Islamische Terroristen Ausbildung im Balkan
GIS Report: Die UCK Terror Camps der Bin Laden Leute in Nord Albanien
Washington Behind Terrorist Assaults In Macedonia
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, September 10, 2001
US Military, MPRI Trained Georgian Commandos Before South Ossetia Invasion 

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Fadil Fejzullahu, einer der Anführer der bewaffneten Gruppe, bei dem Einsatz getötet, mit seinem Paten, dem Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten Paul Wohlers.

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