Die Hintermänner werden deutlich, wenn jemand nach Bosnien fährt und eine NATO Mitglied verspricht, im Verbrecher Bündniss: NATO, was ganze Staaten mit Bomben zerstört, als grösste Terroristen Organisation der Welt, weil die USA ein Krieg brauchen als Wirtschafts Zweig.
Albania to Bosnia: Recognize Kosovo and we'll support your NATO membership
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Albania follows the open-door policy for countries seeking NATO membership, and this is true also for Bosnia and…
Super Kaspar Kopf: Ditmar Bushati – Frank Walter Steinmeier müssen sich produzieren in die Angelegenheiten von Dritt Staaten.
Die Albanischen Räume, sind Drehscheibe bei der Schleuser Mafia und die NATO will das Zentrum unter Kontrolle bringen. In Norwegen fordern radikalte Moslem bereits einen eigenen Staat
Die Albanischen Räume, sind Drehscheibe bei der Schleuser Mafia und die NATO will das Zentrum unter Kontrolle bringen. In Norwegen fordern radikalte Moslem bereits einen eigenen Staat
"70 percent of migrants take Western Balkans route"
Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 1 Tag
70 percent of refugees are using the land route through the Western Balkan, says Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic. Source: Beta Friday, July 31, 2015 | 10:57 [image: (Beta, file)] (Beta, file) She was referring to migrants from third countries who are passing through the Balkans in their bid to reach EU countries. According to Joksimovic, the European Union is already helping Serbia to solve "the problem of migrations." The minister told Serbia's state television RTS that the EU has "recognized the Western Balkans route" and that a confe... mehr »
Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state, Greece will soon see similar!
Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 1 Tag
May 05, 2015 *by* admin *in* DIASPORA [image: wpid-norway-islam__article] Muslims of Norway are now demanding a separate Islamic state and threaten terrorist actions if their demands are not met. Norway has already completed phase 3 of Islamization. The following explains the three phases. Phase 1: When muslims constitute 1-3% of the population. Their behavior in society is decent and non intrusive. Phase 2: When Muslims constitute 4-20% of the population, political demands begin, such as building of mosques, minarets, bans on Christian ceremonies and events and celebrations Muslim h... mehr »