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Tradition der Albanischen Mord Banden: es wird demonstriert, wenn einer der Verbrecher verhaftet wird: Xhemshi Krasniqi

Mörder, Terroristen, Drogen Bosse, Diebe sind Helden in der Albanischen Tradition auch bei Kindes Missbrauch gab es schon Demonstrationen der Neanderthaler, ohne Bildung. In UN Berichten steht auch nur, das es Schläger und Kriminelle sind was sich so Politiker oder sonstwas nennt und die Intelligenz ist auch hier aus dem Ratten Nest ausgewandert.

 14 Oct 15

Kosovo Veterans Rally Against Wartime Commander’s Arrest

Around 1,000 Kosovo Liberation Army veterans protested in the town of Prizren over the arrest of former senior guerrilla Xhemshit Krasniqi for alleged war crimes committed in Albania.
Petrit Kryeziu
KLA veterans protest in Prizren. Photo: BIRN.
The protesters marched to the centre of Krasniqi’s hometown of Prizren in southern Kosovo on Wednesday to express their anger at his arrest earlier this month on the request of EU rule-of-law mission, EULEX prosecutors. Joined by war veterans from Pristina and local politicians from Prizren, they carried placards with slogans like “EULEX, the KLA has no criminals”, “Stop the arrest of the liberators” and “The criminals were the Serbian police and army”. Isa Berisha, one of the organisers of the protest, accused those who testified against KLA fighters of being liars and criminals. “Many witnesses who have invented false accusations against the liberators and abuse reality in Kosovo were collaborators with Serbia who carried out massacres, burned and killed these [Albanian] people for decades, and today they talk and walk freely inside and outside Kosovo,” Berisha said. Some students from Prizren also joined the war veterans’ protest. “We will never stop until his [Krasniqi’s] release,” said Nehat Gashi, representative of the Student Parliament of Prizren. Krasniqi was arrested on October 4 in Prizren during a police operation conducted by EULEX. EULEX prosecutors suspect he committed war crimes against civilians detained in camps run by the KLA in northern Albania. He was allegedly involved in torturing detainees in camps in Kukes and Cahan during April, May and June 1999, during the conflict in neighbouring Kosovo. During the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia from March to June 1999, the KLA, then fighting the Serbian police and military, had a base in Kukes from which they conducted guerrilla operations across the border in Kosovo. The KLA also maintained a network of prisons in their bases in Albania and Kosovo during and after the conflict of 1999.
Polizei im Kosovo geht gegen randalierende Oppositionsanhänger vor

Dienstag, 29. September 2009

Der hoch kriminelle Veteranen Verband der UCK im Kosovo mit ABDYL MUSHKOLAJ und die Ethnischen Säuberungen im Kosovo

Faton Klinaku, war einer der aktiven Rädels Führer für die Ethnischen Säuberungen und Mord Progrome im März 2004 und weil das UN Justiz System im Kosovo nicht existiert, laufen solche Terroristen und Mörder frei herum und können ihre Nazi Parolen verbreiten. 

The Kosovo Liberation Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties?
August 29, 2009
U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee - Larry E. Craig, Chairman - Jade West, Staff Director
March 31, 1999
The Kosovo Liberation Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties?
From ‘Terrorists’ to ‘Partners’



Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1999 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden

Der US Sonder Botschafter Robert Gelbard in 1998 bestätigt, das die UCK - KLA eine reine Terror Organisation ist u.a. auch bei den CNN Nachrichten.

Robert Gelbard im TV

29 August 2007 | 08:21 | FOCUS News Agency
Pristina. Any separation of Kosovo will have to be done in accordance with the international principles – the right to self-definition, ethnic principle or principle of the majority. But these principles should not be used only for Kosovo, but also for Presevo, /Southern Serbia/ , Macedonia and Montenegro. This was said by Faton Klinaku, Secretary of the Organization of the Veterans of the Army for the Liberation of Kosovo.
Where there are more Albanians – there will be Albania. This will happen if they start a separation of Kosovo. At the end of it all, such development is in our benefit, since all Albanian swill unite in a single country’, Klinaku said.
‘I whould also say that before 1999 the Albanians were the majority in Northern Kosovo, Klinaku said. After the war the UNMIK administration and the Kosovo institutions were absent from that part of Kosovo. This allowed Serbia to occupy these lands. In other words, if there is no separation, the situation before the war in 1999 should be taken into account, when the Albanians were a majority in Northern Kosovo.


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