Ungehinderte Ein/ und Ausreise nach Albanien, der Super Mafia Boss von Lukova, man kann sogar eine Kirche nun bauen
He is "Wanted" for having built an Orthodox Church in Lukovo, Himara Region
Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 4 Stunden
Robert Haidhi, one of the exponents of the Party "The Golden Dawn" in Greece, (party of right-wing with 18 MPs in the Greek Parliament) is accused by police of Albania, having built an Orthodox Church without permission, and was declared "wanted" by police. Apparently extreme national security issues such as the threat from ISIS, have started to feel the members of the Orthodox community in Albania, while an Albanian citizen residing in Greece and Lukove of The Himara Municipality, feels wanted by Albanian police. The reason is that Haidhi has built an Orthodox Church in Lukovo, h... mehr »
Die griechischen Nazi Organisationen in Albanien mit "Omonia" sind bei den Kommunalwahlen in Albanien gescheitert