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5 % Export Minus in Albanien und der Ex-Arbeits Minister Spiro Ksera wurde verhaftet

Die Wirtschaft bricht regelrecht zusammen, bei einer Astronomischen Staats Verschuldung von 83 % auf Grund krimineller PPP - Projekte und den Bestechungs Privatisierungen der Internationalen Gangster, die sich "Westliche Wertgemeinschaft" nennen.

Ein vollkommen unwichtiger Ex-Minister wurde verhaftet, wobei es sich um Spiro Ksera handelt, der auch an Gangster wie Ilir Meta schon in 2000, Visa verkaufte, indem Ministerialle Bestätigungen geschrieben wurden, an die US Botschaft. So blöde können nur Albanische Minister und Ministerpräsidenten sein, oder Deutsche Politiker, die auch für Drogen Gangster schon Visas im Tausender Paket besorgten, wie der Visa Skandal vor über 10 Jahren zeigte.

Exports see a significant drop in Albania

ibna dogana
By   1 day ago
Tirana, 29 January 2016/Independent Balkan News Agency Albania is seeing a significant drop of exports of 5% for 2015. This is the first time since 2009 that products, which Albania sells abroad, mark such a low value. According to INSTAT, in total exported goods had a value of 243 billion ALL during 2015 or around

In Tirana today evening, was arrested former Labor Minister, Spiro Ksera.

Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 18 Stunden
Ksera belonging to the cabinet of Prime Minister Sali Berisha. According to prosecutors, he is suspected of embezzling public funds. Ksera is the first senior official to go for arrest by the prosecution of Albania, which is at the center of allegations of failing to arrest of senior officials of Albania .. But the arrest of Spiro Ksera puts in doubt the transparency of the prosecution, which has very easy to arrest citizen's Albanians with Greek Nationality, than lobbying of politicians linked to criminal gangs in Albania Spiro Ksera is an Albanian politician. He was Minister of ... mehr » 

Arrested former Government Minister of Berisha`s cabinet, Spiro Ksera

Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 19 Stunden
In Tirana today evening, was arrested former Labor Minister, Spiro Ksera. Ksera belonging to the cabinet of Prime Minister Sali Berisha. According to prosecutors, he is suspected of embezzling public funds. Ksera is the first senior official to go for arrest by the prosecution of Albania, which is at the center of allegations of failing to arrest of senior officials of Albania .. But the arrest of Spiro Ksera puts in doubt the transparency of the prosecution, which has very easy to arrest citizen's Albanians with Greek citizenship, than lobbying of politicians linked to criminal ga... mehr »

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