Die Politik Bau Mafia macht was die will, es gelten sowieso noch nie Bau, oder Grundstücks Gesetze, Anordungen, Dekrete
Einer der grössten Langzeit Gangster Adrian Xhillari, Experte für Fälschung und Betrug aller Art, hat das Land verlassen, wird von Interpol nun gesucht, hat natürlich US Pass.
Enfach ein Witz, in einem Land wo keine Gesetze seit über 20 Jahren implementiert sind, nicht einmal die Bau Gesetze von 1993 und in Folge. Jeder Schrott wird gebaut, Hunderte illegaler Appartment Block allein in Tirana, in Durres und jeder verkauft was er will, auch mehrfach und jeden Bauschrott vor alle. Per Gesetz, sind sogar Geologische Gutachten bei 4 Stockwerken, seisologische Gutachten ab 8 Stockwerken vorgeschrieben und Beton Rüttler auch als "Viprim" bekannt in Albanien.
Jetzt muss man vorab, sein Bauten registrieren lassen, bevor man etwas verkauft, was ein neuer Sumpf der Bestechung werden wird, obwohl Hundert Tausende von Appartment unverkäuflich sind.
Alles Luft Nummer, denn Geldwäsche und Betrug, durch Gestalten, welche nicht einmal die Schwerkraft, noch Lot und Wasser Waage ist wie die Inkompetenz System. Den ehemaligen Arbeits Minister Spiro Ksara hat man ebenso verhaftet, der Kriminellen US Visas besorgte.
New law on real estate sales for reducing bad loans
29/01/2016 15:05
Builders will not be allowed to sign ownership agreements with buyers without registering them to the Registration Office. The government will change the existing real estate law to close one of the biggest loopholes that have left space for abuses such as selling the same apartment more than once. 29/01/2016 15:05
The existing law, which has been under the will of builders, has allowed them to fraud not only buyers, but also the banks that have given them loans.
With the new law, builders will be forced to register not only construction permits, but also order agreements, by increasing this way the legal security for this category.
The law was drafted by the Ministry of Justice and has arrived in Parliament. This is part of the plan for reducing bad loans, signed by the Prime Minister and the Bank Governor, Gent Sejko.
The government says that this change will end the abuses with the building companies.
Ksera: My arrest is politically motivated
Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 22 Stunden
Former Minister Spiro Ksera said that his arrest is politically motivated. He was arrested in a bar near his residence in the village of Dervican in Gjirokastra and then was taken to the police station without being handcuffed. In his first comments Spiro Ksera said that his arrest is politically motivated, due to the strengthening of the Democratic Party in the area of Dropull in the recent years. He added that all accusations will be proved over time. Ksera is accused of theft and abuse of office for a fictitious tender worth ALL 30 million for Roma community.