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Durch geknallte Pyschopatin des Krieges und des Massenmordes besucht Skopje in Mazedonien: Victory Nuland

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US Neocon pays a surprise visit to Macedonia
Thursday, 10 March 2016
2saveski nuland
United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland paid a visit Thursday to the "Vinojug" transit registration center near Gevgelija and was briefed on the challenges of Macedonian authorities and living conditions of migrants.

Nuland met with Public Security Bureau director Gorance Savovski, focusing on the current developments in the migrant crisis, future solutions towards avoiding tensions at borders along the Balkan route, registration of migrants, ways to further enhance cooperation in the management of migration flows among all stakeholders, as well as the humanitarian aspect of the crisis.

The United States salute the efforts for settlement of the migrant crisis and continue to encourage coordinated and comprehensive solutions focusing on human rights of migrants and promotion of proper and humane migration policies, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release.
During the visit to the center, Nuland also met with representatives of several international organizations and NGOs who are funded by the U.S.

The real reason for Nuland's visit is much more sinister, as is the norm
Last time Nuland visited Macedonia, we saw the introduction of Katica Janeva and the subversion of Macedonia's constitutional order, which continues to this day.

Nuland is troubled that several countries within the EU have broken away from U.S. orders. Brussels, Rome, Berlin and Paris are 100% under US control.
However, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw and to some extent Skopje are not, despite having Jess Bailey as our Prime Minister.

The V4 group, joined by Austria and most of the Balkan nations formed their own security plans (without inviting anyone else to the meeting). This meeting immediately stopped the flooding of muslim migrants to the continent, most of which are not even refugees.

This is the reason for Nuland's visit, the wave of migrants cannot stop.
Here is what U.S. journalist Robert Parry writes about Nuland and her husband:
 Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and from op-ed pages he demands Congress buy more weapons. There is a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in huge money to think tanks where other Kagans work.

Parry goes on:
This extraordinary husband-and-wife duo makes quite a one-two punch for the Military-Industrial Complex, an inside-outside team that creates the need for more military spending, applies political pressure to ensure higher appropriations, and watches as thankful weapons manufacturers lavish grants on like-minded hawkish Washington think tanks.

Not only does the broader community of neoconservatives stand to benefit but so do other members of the Kagan clan, including Robert's brother Frederick at the American Enterprise Institute and his wife Kimberly, who runs her own shop called the Institute for the Study of War.

What Perry is trying to eloquently explain is that Nuland is in the business of destabilization and wars. She uses her role within the US Government perfectly to destabiliza nations, governments. 

The muslim population flooding Europe is the perfect geopolitical scenario for the U.S. The CIA will have a field day using the muslim population across Europe as a proxy to destabilize any Government that does not work for US geopolitical interests, in the same way the CIA has been using Albanians in Macedonia.

A visit by Nuland entails a destabilization that is not going according to plan. Don't be too surprised if Macedonia opens the borders in the coming days. //Gorazd Velkovski

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