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Schande für Deutschland: Mörder, Kriegs Verbrecher ist Kosovo Konsul in Frankfurt: Ajvaz Berisha

Bedri Curri wurde mit Kopfschuss ermordet im Kosovo, ein bekannter Vize Kommandeur. Dick Marty ruft zum Zeugen Schutz erneut auf, was er als wichtiges Problem schon vor Jahren festgehalten hat

Er war geschützter Zeuge in den anstehenden Kriegs Verbrecher Prozess, gegen Ajvaz Berisha, der sein Kommandeur war bei der Terroristen Organisation UCK - KLA, welche vom zuständigen US Sonder Botschafter Robert Gelbard, als klare Terroristen        Organisation geoutet wurde, überall in 1998 auf der                 Bedri Curri
 Terroristen Liste stand, welche wahllos Kinder, Professoren, Frauen entführten, folterten und ermordeten, im CIA Spektakel, Chaos und Hass zu erzeugen, wie der CIA Offizier Robert Baer im Detail erklärte.

11 ermordete Zeugen, gab es als Zeugen gegen Ramuz Haradinaj, also ein System der Kosovo Mord und Teroristen Mafia, welche in diesem Fall den Posten eines Konsuls in Frankfurt hat, das übliche Mafia, Drogen Spektakel und Aufbauhilfe des Auswärtigen Amtes, durch Joschka Fischer, Frank Walter Steinmeier, der im Solde des Super US  Betrügers Frank Wisner, Daniel Fried steht und stand.

Die Zeugen wurden ermordet unter der UNMIK Herrschaft des vollkommen korrupten Joachim Rückers, seinem Vize UNMIK Chef: Steven Schook, einem typischen vollkommen kriminellen US General, wo es 2.400 dieser Ratten gibt, welche im Solde von Verbrecher Clans, Lobby Vereinen stehen. Die Computer wurden durch die UN Untersuchungs Kommission beschlagnahmt, sind es bis heute.

Komplett kriminell, schimpft sich in der Mafia Uni Phristina Proffessor.

 Dr. Ajvaz Berisha, profesor i asocuar

Fakulteti i Edukimit Fizik dhe i Sportit
+381 38 243 747
Biografia - CV

Konsulat der Republik Kosova in Frankfurt am Main
Leiter: Herr Ajvaz Berisha Konsul

Rudolfstraße 13-17
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 (0) 69 27 133 920
Fax.: +49 (0) 69 27 1333 92 29
Notfallnummer: +49 (0) 69 27 133 92 10

Montag bis Freitag: von 09:00h bis 12:30h und von 13:30h bis 17:00h

Montag bis Donnerstag: von 09:30h bis 11:30h und von 14:00h bis 16:30h
Freitag: nur nach Vereinbarung

Der Konsularbezirk umfasst die Länder: Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. 

April 25, 2016

Dick Marty speaks after potential KLA crimes witness is shot

Dick Marty has warned that "some people" who were to testify before a new court for KLA crimes "have already been killed."

 Dick Marty (Tanjug, file)
Dick Marty (Tanjug, file)

The Swiss senator and former Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur, spoke a day after the killing of Bedri Curri, a former KLA member and potential witness for the court. Curri's body was found last week near Glogovac in Kosovo.

"Witness protection is the biggest problem. We have information that some have already been killed in order to cover up the traces of the crimes," said Marty, according to Radio Kontakt Plus, that was quoting Pristina-based daily Bota Sot.

Unnamed sources in Pristina said that Curri, a former member of the ethnic Albanian "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) was a prosecution witness in trials to be conducted before the special war crimes court for KLA crimes, that will be located in The Hague.

During the Kosovo conflict, Curri was a member of the 114th Brigade of the KLA called "Fehmi Landrovci" where his direct superior was his Ajvaz Berisha, known also as "Commander Tiger."

After the war, Berisha was an advisor in the Ministry of Trade of Kosovo, a professor at the Faculty of Physical Education, and is now Kosovo's consul in Frankfurt, Germany, the paper said. Curri was killed with a shot to the head, not far from a school in the village of Gornja Korotica.

Dick Marty - who in 2010 investigated allegations of KLA's illicit trade in human organs harvested from kidnapped Serb and other civilians - now warned about the "incompetence" of EULEX and UNMIK - EU and UN missions in Kosovo - to protect witnesses there and prevent information leakage.

The problem of witness protection was present during the only two trials for KLA commanders before the Hague Tribunal. Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj were both acquitted for lack of evidence.

At least five witnesses were allegedly killed when it comes to the Haradinaj case. Tribunal's chief prosecutors, Carla del Ponte and later Serge Brammertz, on several occasions complained to the UN Security Council about problems related to witness protection.

The special court for crimes of the KLA was formed on the basis of Marty's report on ties between key KLA commanders with crimes and organized crime. The first indictments are expected by the end of this year. 
List of people who will be tried by the Tribunal
Meanwhile, quoting secure sources, the prominent journalist, Milaim Zeka has published today the names that will be tried by the Tribunal.
From the ranks of PDK
  1. Agim Çeku, former chief of the General Staff of KLA and former Prime Minister of Kosovo.
  2. Azem Syla, former KLA commander
  3. Hashim Thaci, head of the Political Office of KLA. Leader of PDK, former PM and current Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.
  4. Kadri Veseli, former head of the National Informative Services of KLA, current Speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo and deputy chair of PDK, the largest party in the country.
  5. Xhavit Haliti, former member of the General Staff of KLA, responsible for Albania and liaison officer of this organization with different international organizations. Current deputy speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo.
  6. Shaip Muja, former head of the health service at the General Staff of KLA, currently an independent MP in the Parliament of Kosovo.
  7. Ajvaz Berisha, commander of the KLA special units, professor of the Public University and currently a consul in Frankfurt.
From AAK:
  1. Daut Haradinaj, former commander of KLA, accused of war crimes after the war and convicted several years in prison. Currently an MP.
  2. Blerim Kuqi, former KLA commander, former mayor of Suhareka.
  3. Lahi Ibrahimaj, former member of KLA General Staff, accused by the Tribunal of Hague along with Ramush Haradinaj. Currently an MP.
From Self Determination:
  1. Rexhep Selimi, former member of the General Staff of KLA. Currently an MP.
From the Incentive:
  1. Fatmir Limaj, former member of the General Staff, former minister in the previous government. Currently, leader of the Incentive for Kosovo party and MP.
Bislim Zyrapi, former head of the General Staff of KLA, who was replaced by Agim Ceku. /ibna/


BIA (Security Information Agency)
 Belgrade, September 2003




1. Continuity of terrorist organization of Albanian extremists
2. Characteristics of ANA activities
3. Data on the victims of violence in K&M
4. Organized crime
- Criminal activities in K&M
- Activities of the Albanian mafia around the world
- Influence of criminal factors from the Republic of Albania
5. The Role of Albanian Emigration
6. Pan-Islamic Factor

List of terrorists and members of organized criminal organizations in K&M 



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