Gesetze sind seit 25 Jahren nicht implementiert und der korrupte EU Laden der Inkompetenz, lebte gut damit, vor allem rund um Reise und Konferenz Tourismus fuer Kriminelle.
im April 2015: was zum System wurde, als die EU, das AA und USA zum Korruptions Motor ab Ende 1998 wurden, rund um Privatiserungen und Geldwaesche.
Capo der Justiz Mafia: Klientel "Sigurime" Gangster: Bujar Nishani - Albania’s Judges Protect Each Other From the Law
Skandal die Deutsche inkompetende IRZ-Stiftung, eines Betruegers der sich in Deutschland Justiz Minister schimpft: Heiko Maas
Erst eine klare Erpressung, indem jeder Abgeordnete eine sms erhielt vom US Botschafter Donalt Lu, fuehrte zur Verfassung Aenderung. Deshalb hat Albanien unveraendert einen korrupten Deppen Club von Richtern, Staatsanwaelten, die keine Juristische Kenntnisse haben. Ein Debakel der Inkompetenz in 25 Jahren des Westlichen Demokratie bringens.
Die kriminelle und korrupten CDU-KAS Parnter mit Lulzim Basha, sabotierten bis zuletzt die Justiz Reform. Man wollte ueber die Richter Bestellung Garantien haben, welche das eigentliche Problem ist.
Absolute consensus, all 140 MPs vote in favor of Justice Reform
im April 2015: was zum System wurde, als die EU, das AA und USA zum Korruptions Motor ab Ende 1998 wurden, rund um Privatiserungen und Geldwaesche.
Capo der Justiz Mafia: Klientel "Sigurime" Gangster: Bujar Nishani - Albania’s Judges Protect Each Other From the Law
Skandal die Deutsche inkompetende IRZ-Stiftung, eines Betruegers der sich in Deutschland Justiz Minister schimpft: Heiko Maas
Erst eine klare Erpressung, indem jeder Abgeordnete eine sms erhielt vom US Botschafter Donalt Lu, fuehrte zur Verfassung Aenderung. Deshalb hat Albanien unveraendert einen korrupten Deppen Club von Richtern, Staatsanwaelten, die keine Juristische Kenntnisse haben. Ein Debakel der Inkompetenz in 25 Jahren des Westlichen Demokratie bringens.
Die kriminelle und korrupten CDU-KAS Parnter mit Lulzim Basha, sabotierten bis zuletzt die Justiz Reform. Man wollte ueber die Richter Bestellung Garantien haben, welche das eigentliche Problem ist.
Absolute consensus, all 140 MPs vote in favor of Justice Reform
New deals that brought consensus on Justice Reform21/07/2016
The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, has met for more than eight hours with the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, and the US and EU ambassadors. PM Edi Rama was part of the negotiations, but not present in the meeting. The agreement was reached after difficult negotiations about the way how the Parliament will appoint ten members, five at the Supreme Council of Courts and five at the Supreme Council of Prosecutions. They will be elected by the Parliament, but will first undergo a vetting by the International Monitoring Operation. This is a new criterion that was included in the agreement, because the first draft was for the IMO to vote only the members of the Commission that would make the vetting of others. The vetted members – now without limits from the Chamber of Notaries or the Chamber of Advocates, as it used to - will go to the Commission made of five members, three from the majority and two from the opposition. In this Commission they will be elected based on the recommendations of the IMO, and a consensual list will be created, without votes. This is the variant that was given to Top Channel by the Democratic Party and that has been reached in this agreement. However, this variant is expected to be confirmed officially, because there may be a meeting of the Special Commission for the Justice Reform. After reaching consensus with this list, at the 5-member commission (3+2), this list will be snet in Parliament where it will be voted with 2/3rd of the votes. If the list will not be approved, the members will be elected by lots. Special Justice Reform Commission approves final draft, ready to be voted Knut Fleckenstein spielte noch eine sehr klare Rolle im Spektakel, der Albaner Mafia, was sich Regierung nennt
The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, has met for more than eight hours with the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, and the US and EU ambassadors. PM Edi Rama was part of the negotiations, but not present in the meeting. The agreement was reached after difficult negotiations about the way how the Parliament will appoint ten members, five at the Supreme Council of Courts and five at the Supreme Council of Prosecutions. They will be elected by the Parliament, but will first undergo a vetting by the International Monitoring Operation. This is a new criterion that was included in the agreement, because the first draft was for the IMO to vote only the members of the Commission that would make the vetting of others. The vetted members – now without limits from the Chamber of Notaries or the Chamber of Advocates, as it used to - will go to the Commission made of five members, three from the majority and two from the opposition. In this Commission they will be elected based on the recommendations of the IMO, and a consensual list will be created, without votes. This is the variant that was given to Top Channel by the Democratic Party and that has been reached in this agreement. However, this variant is expected to be confirmed officially, because there may be a meeting of the Special Commission for the Justice Reform. After reaching consensus with this list, at the 5-member commission (3+2), this list will be snet in Parliament where it will be voted with 2/3rd of the votes. If the list will not be approved, the members will be elected by lots. Special Justice Reform Commission approves final draft, ready to be voted Knut Fleckenstein spielte noch eine sehr klare Rolle im Spektakel, der Albaner Mafia, was sich Regierung nennt