Bis 1998 war die Gegend vor allem die Nord Albanische Küste schon durch verschiedene Öl- und Gas Firmen gut erforscht wie auch von der OVM. Wintershall erforschte die Albanischen Öl Lager ebenso, war nicht interessiert, weil das Albanische Öl stark Schwefelhaltig war.
Nun erforscht erneut ein Deutsches Schiff die Gegend im Dreiländer Dreieck, am Eingang zur Adria
SManalysis EXCLUSIVE The Ship, a Geo-searcher with German flag, "Maria S. Merian", appears to be conducting research in the North Ionian area, across the Drymade Coast, about 10 to 15 miles away, which is known as a controversial area between geostrategic clashes Albania - Greece, for the division of the maritime border. The "Maria S. Merian" vessel, with Gross Tonnage: 5573, Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 94.76m × 19.45m, the Year of Built in 2006, is fixed in the GSM system at a minimal speed, has crossed the West of the Island at Othonus and continued along the Albanian coast, shifting from the west to the Otranto Canal. It is not known whether the Albanian authorities have given a permit for underwater geological research, but in the current geopolitical situation between Albania and Greece, the water territory in which the vessel "Maria S. Merian" is sailing is quite interesting. According to global positioning, the ship is doing depth research up to 850 meters, shifting from the west to the Straits of Otranto. There is also no official public announcement regarding the "Maria S. Merian" vessel near Albanian waters, although the northern Ionian area is under the development of NATO military maneuvers, where there is a large presence of NATO ships and submarines.
Nun erforscht erneut ein Deutsches Schiff die Gegend im Dreiländer Dreieck, am Eingang zur Adria