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Die Albaner Mafia wieder einmal in Berlin, wo sie niemand eingeladen hat

3 Langzeit Gangster in Berlin. Taulant Balla, Edi Rama, Arthur Kuko, Alle einschlägig mit Top Drogen Clans verbunden.
Bekannte Leute sagten ihm er solle besser zu Haue bleiben, aber er wollte wieder einmal mit Bestechung so weiter machen mit seinen Drogen Kartellen und Betrugs Banden wie bisher. Diesmal gab es allerdings nicht so einen peinlichen Staatsempfang bei Angela Merkel nur einen peinlichen Auftritt im Flur des Parlaments mit Schäuble, was eine Art Beleidigung normal wäre.
Die EU Mafia, inklusive der EU Botschaft, Knut Fleckenstein, Johannes Hahn, Alles Gestalten aus korrupten Kreisen mit Verbindungen zu Balkan und Albaner Mafia.

Albanien ist das einzige Land in Europa, was nicht einmal die verbindlichen Auflagen und Urteile des EU Menschenrechthofes einhält, noch Staatsgarantien, Abitrage Verträge und sonstigen Verpflichtungen.

Rama Needs an Ultimatum, Not Legitimization from Brussels

By Fatos Lubonja3 hrs ago
Rama Needs an Ultimatum, Not Legitimization from Brussels Prime Minister Edi Rama and High Representative Federica Mogherini. Source: EEAS.
Why do the bad things of the fake Brussels report outnumber the good things that it could bring through the opening of negotiations? Even if drafted with good intentions, why do the report and the negotiations it could bring push us into a bad direction? In my previousarticle, I promised to give arguments for these questions.
My main argument is based on the thesis that Albania, under the direction of its politico-economical class, during these 25 years has made no step forward, not even small ones, in the right direction, but has gone off into the wrong direction. And, as a result, the movement in this wrong direction hasn’t brought us closer to what may be called European standards – which we may in short refer to as “rule of law” ­– but increasingly into the direction of a failed state, captured by the oligarchy and organized crime, so much so that it could be referred to as “narcostate.”
As proof for this I would only like to mention three things that seem telling to me. First, the Albanian economy, which has always been weak, informal, and linked to crime, and in recent years supported as never before by funds from organized crime. Second, precisely because of this Albanian economic phenomenon, Albanian politics has increasingly become a representative and manager of criminal interests. Third, as a result of the despair created by this process of decay the number of Albanians that leave the country has dramatically increased in recent years.
To deny this reality with false data or pseudo-reforms seems to me a weak attempt, but, nevertheless, the question asked by several supporters of Albania is: even if under the current conditions, wouldn’t it be better that Albania would enter bit more into the EU’s fold, because that’s how these phenomena of decay couldn’t be halted more easily?
In my opinion, this serious proposal warrants a proper discussion both within the country and in the European countries that will make the decision. I hope that this article facilitates such a discussion, which in Albania is repressed by the propaganda of Rama that aims to intimidate the opposition and any criticism with the accusation that criticism of his government or Brussels obstructs the aspiration of the Albanians to enter the EU, and that they are made – as if – by anti-Albanians sold or bought by the enemy.
Keeping sight of Europe and its standards has played and continues to play a positive role in preventing Albania from sliding into an even more problematic situation, but in my opinion opening the negotiations unaccompanied by true progress in Albania would devalue this perspective, which, already in the current situation, has lost much with the passing of the years. I even think that the opening of EU negotiations with Albania would have more negative than positive consequences in the long term, not only for Europe but also for the European project.
One of the most negative consequences of recognizing a fake progress would be that more than encouragement for the Albanian people, it would be an encouragement of the political class which has brought the country into this miserable state. As is known, the struggle to be legitimized by Europe is unfortunately much more important for the Albanian political class than the struggle to be legitimized by its own people.
It is enough to consider that during the entire time that he was accused by the opposition or media for the cannabization of Albania and its tragic consequences for the state, Prime Minister has used the internationals as argument: “If this were the case why doesn’t the EU Ambassador say anything? Why doesn’t the US Ambassador say anything?” Opening the negotiations would give Rama his next round of ammunition to deny any criticism of any opponent with the question: “So why did they open negotiations with us?” And what’s even worse, this would give him free hand to continue to put the state he leads to the service of his own interests, a minority of oligarchs, and organized crime with ever more irreparable consequences for the economy, democracy, and freedom.
But still, someone would insist, opening the negotiations would make it easier to put a halt to this process through the mechanism of negotiations. Referring to the experience so far with the relations between Albania and the EU, I think that, especially considering the current state of the EU, their correcting and negotiating power is very small and evermore decreasing because its authority and legitimacy are in decline. This is clearly shown by its impotence to halt the anti-union and authoritarian phenomena that occur within its current borders. The example of Turkey, which has been in negotiation since 2002 and has made dramatic steps backward could be another one.
In the long term, in the context of a process of European unification that is increasingly in difficulty because of anti-European, nationalist, and authoritarian tendencies, an Albania whose state is captured by crime would be yet another argument to undo the European project. Therefore, as I see the Albanian and European reality, Edi Rama and the people that support him need, while it’s not yet too late, to hear from the EU ultimatums regarding the miserable state in which they have led the country rather than encouragement and legitimization.
First published by Panorama, translated by Exit.

Albania's public debt reaches 8.3 billion euros

Stavros Markos um SManalysis - vor 21 Stunden
[image: Image result for albania in pyramid schemes] SManalysis Albania's public debt continues to remain at risky levels threatening the economy. The latest official data from the Ministry of Finance show that at the end of the first quarter of the year, public debt amounted to 8.3 billion euros, being over twice as high as the state budget. According to Finance statistics, only in the first three months of the year public debt has increased by 200 million euros, compared to the end of 2016, it has increased by more than half a billion euros. [image: Image] Albania's public debt g... mehr » 

Die korrupten EU Ratten: Wir müssen über Soros reden!

navy um Balkanblog - vor 23 Stunden
*Über 1 Milliarden € erhalten Tausende von Georg Soros NGO's in Europa mit Hilfe korrupter EU Gestalten, Balkan, für die Destabilisierung von Ländern, indem man die Dümmsten anheuert, einen Job wie Demonstrieren gibt.* *Israelische Analyse von Soros‘ Wirken* *Wir müssen über Soros reden!* 24. April 2018 *Weil FPÖ-Klubobmann Johann Gudenus die Migrationsagenda des George Soros kritisiert hat, geht ein gekünstelter Aufschrei durch Medien und Netz. Doch es zeigt sich, dass sich niemand über „Antisemitismus!“, „Rechte!“, „Verschwörungstheorien!“ hinauswagt. Weder gehen z.B. Journalisten... mehr »

EU Korruptiions Motor rund um TAP, EIB, EBRD, Jens Spahn, Karin Strenz der "Nghradeta" von Brüssel, bis nach Aserbeischan

navy um Balkanblog - vor 23 Stunden
Die letzten 1,5 Milliarden € kamen direkt von Jens Spahn, dem gekauften Lobbyisten, Transatlantiker, korrupt aus Tradition und Partner damit auch der "Nghradeta", bis zu den übelsten Schurken der Balkan bis zur Aserbeischanischen und Sizilanischen Mafia. Samstag, 9. September 2017 Mit 2,9 Milliarden $ Bestechungsgeld finanziert die EU Mafia die Aserbeischanische Gas Pipeline *"Starker Korruptionsverdacht" im Europarat: CDU- und CSU-Abgeordnete im Fokus der Ermittler* 23.04.2018 • 16:28 Uhr https://de.rt.com/1h45 [image: "Starker Korruptionsverdacht" im Europarat: CDU- und CSU-Abg... mehr »
Edi Rama's Mafia Partner: Sadri Abazi, einer von Vielen

Alko Impex Also Applied in Kavaja with Fraudulent Documents

1 hrs ago
Alko Impex Also Applied in Kavaja with Fraudulent Documents
The company Alko Impex, whose several infracions concerning public tenders by the Tirana, Elbasan, Dibra, and other municipalities have been revealed lately, has also used falsified documentations to compete for a tender in the Kavaja municipality.
Exit has procured the documents filed for the tender worth approximately €1 million, for “the clean-up and maintenance of Kavaja city” during a 3-year period.
Description of the tender
The Kavaja municipality opened the tender for “the clean-up and maintenance of Kavaja city,” with a funding limit of €1,092,000 on January 22, 2016 and closed it on February 15, 2016. There were 6 bids.
On March 23, 2016, the Kavaja municipality announced that the winner was the company Alko Impex, which had made a bid of €1,035,000, that is, 95% of the funding limit.
Below, find all the violations committed by the company owned by the nephew of Socialist MP Sadri Abazi during the process of this tender:
  • One of the tender’s technical criteria consisted in the company having had previous experience performing similar services in the last three years, at an average price of €437,000.
In order to prove that it fulfilled this criterion, the company had to present a contract and all the necessary attestations. To this purpose, Alko Impex presented a contract it had signed with the Prishtina municipality in 2013.
According to the documentations filed by Alko Impex, the contract with the Prishtina municipality, for “the clean-up of city streets and sidewalks,” extended from April 15, 2013 to April 15, 2015, that is, 2 years. According to Alko Impex, the contract was worth €14,600 per week, or €60,000 per month.
However, a look into Kosova’s Public Procurement System (KRPP), where all the announcements for public tender contracts are found, reveals that this contract was actually worth €4596.1, a third of the value reported by Alko Impex.

The authentic contract signed by Alko Impex and the Prishtina municipality, March 2013

Additionally, according to official documentation, the contract only lasted 7 months, from April 15 to November 15, 2013, rather than 2 years, as Alko Impex claims.
It is, therefore, clear that Alko Impex falsified the documentation regarding its previous contract with the Prishtina municipality, in order to fulfill the criteria set forth by the Kavaja municipality tender.
  • Another tender criteria was the employment of a chemical engineer with at least 5 years of experience. In order to fulfill this criteria, the company had to file a university degree, with a Chemical Engineering major, belonging to one of its employees.
Alko Impex filed a Chemical Engineering university degree belonging to Kosovar citizen, Naim Beqir Pllana. The degree presented by Alko Impex contains the following information:
“Mitrovica no.243, dated 01.06.2000 t2 University of Prishtina College of Natural Sciences to Mr. Naim Beqir Pllana. Signed by Dean Prof. Shefqet Rashani, PhD.”
However, the Kavaja municipality inquired further at the University of Prishtina regarding this diploma, and received the following response:
Regarding the inquiry you sent us via email regarding the verification of the authenticity of Naim Beqir Pllana’s diploma we would like to inform you that:
There is no file on Naim Beqir Pllana in the College of Natural-Mathematical Sciences archives.
The College of Natural-Mathematical Sciences did not offer a Chemistry degree track in Mitrovica and Prof. Shefqet Rashani, PhD has never been a Dean. The diploma presented to you may have been falsified by the candidate or someone else.
The aforementioned student does not even appear in the protocol book where all alumni data are recorded.
Therefore, Alko Impex has also falsified the diploma of one of its employees.
This is the second known time that Alko Impex has falsified one of its employees’ diploma. Earlier, in tenders awarded by the Elbasan and Tirana municipalities, Alko Impex used a fake diploma for one of its employees, Bekim Selmani. Selmani himself spoke to the media, distancing himself from the scandal, and claiming that the company had used his credentials without his consent or awareness. He stated that his personal information and his diploma have been misused by Alko Impex and he would take all the proper legal steps to fight back.
The company has used the same falsified documentation in at least two other tenders awarded in 2014 and 2017 by the Tirana municipality concerning the “Area III clean up.” Consequently, these tenders are illegal.

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