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Plan Erfüllung auf Kommunismus Art: die gefälschten Justiz Jubel Berichte von Mazedonien, Albanien - Weltweit

Um die hohen Milllionen Summen zu erklärten lobt sich der korrupte EU Appart selber, verteilt Award Preise, obwohl real nie etwas geschah. Kaum zuglauben wie korrupt, inkompetend und dreist der Internationale Apparat im Balkan auftritt, wo ja die CIA mit Millionen den Jugoslawien Krieg produzierte um Hass zu säen, wie Robert Baer in vielen Details erklärte.

Besonders peinlich die Banditen des ITCY, Katica Janeva, eine billige Betrügerin, als Sonder Staatsanwältin in Mazdonien, deren Amtszeit längst abgelaufen ist, oder die Georg Soros Spinner in Albanien, welche mit korrupten EU Kadern Justiz bringen wollen mit der Deutschen IRZ Stiftung, einem "Camorra" identischen System, denn inzwischen ist jede Justiz in Albanien von Kriminellen übernommen, Inkompetenz als Standard und ein Verfassungsgericht gibt es nicht einmal.
Illegale EU, Georg Soros Spinner und der USAID Chef, dürfen in der EU Justiz Mission solange als inkompetende Selbstdarsteller auftreten, bis es keine Justiz mehr gibt.
Die Ober Idioten loben sich wieder mal selbst in 2017!

Gerti Shalla, Jan Rudolph, Marcus Johnson (USAID), welche als Verbrecher Organisation auftrat, über den AAEF Fund, wohl 1 Milliarde stahl, Geldwäsche Banken eröffnete, für Drogen Geschäfte und Landdiebstahl mit gefälschten Urkundne.
„Fortschritte“ der EU, Berlin: Wild West Notare, die Grundstücks Verkäufe beglaubigen, mit toten Verkäufern

Man feiert sich nur selbst, um Millionen zustehlen in einem Art Reise Mafiösi Zirkus, wo man enorme Spesen absetzen kann.

Brammertz and Janeva receive high recognition from the IFIMES Institute
 Photo Ifimes: Serge Brammertz (left), Katica Janeva, Ernest Petrič

Brammertz and Janeva receive high recognition from the IFIMES Institute

LJUBLJANA/BLED, 27 November 2017The International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies(IFIMES) has given the prestigious award »World's Person of the Decade in the Field of Justice« to the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Baron Serge Brammertz, while the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor received a high recognition for their exceptional contribution to truth, justice and reconciliation.
The recognitions were handed out by Professor Dr. Ernest Petrič, the Vice President of the Advisory Board of the International Institute IFIMES, a former president of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia and a current member and former president of the UN’s International Law Commission (ILC UN). Dr. Petrič stressed the role and significance of the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor and Baron Brammertz, whose work so far has validated the establishment of the ICTY. Through its work, the ICTY has made a significant contribution to the development of international law, especially international criminal law. The legal legacy of the ICTY will be invaluable for further development of international legal profession. Processing war crimes and perpetrators of war crimes is a long-term, almost infinite process. The standards established by the ICTY and the experience gathered will be of great value when processing war crimes in other parts of the world. Unfortunately, many crimes committed in the region remain unprocessed and the perpetrators unpunished and the role of the ICTY, which is ending its work in the present form, will not be discontinued, because it will continue to operate through a residual mechanism, the MICT.
Director of the Institute Dr. Zijad Bećirović also addressed those present at the event, saying among other things that we live in a world of uncertainty, instability and crises which often place the individual/citizen at risk. The role of the institutions of the rule of law in such situations is exceptionally important. Prosecutor’s offices, as part of the overall legal system, act as a guarantee that, in this modern world, no one can evade responsibility for their illegal actions. The role of the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor has restored the hope of the victims of war crimes that they are not left to their own devices and that the prosecution of war crimes will lead to the truth, achieve justice and enable the essentially needed reconciliation and at least minimal satisfaction for the victims.

Baron Brammertz thanked for the award in his name and on behalf of the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor. In his speech he emphasized the role of the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor and the challenges he faced in prosecuting the crimes of war and genocide. He particularly underlined cooperation with the victims and the additional impetus he received from the victims, which helped him endure in this difficult, complex work, since some public officials with whom the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor had to cooperate immediately after its establishment were also perpetrators of war crimes. Brammertz stressed that, still, a lot more could have been done, which would have been possible except for numerous obstructions in the whole chain when certain cases were investigated by the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor. Finally he promised to continue his work through the MICT, all in the interest of justice, satisfaction for the victims and reconciliation based on a clear message that any potential perpetrators of future crimes will face appropriate justice. Without facing the past it is difficult to build a bright future.

The notable award „The Best Chief Prosecutor in the Balkans“ went to the Head of the Office of the Special  Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Macedonia, Katica Janeva, while the  high recognition „The Best Office of the Prosecutor in the Balkans“ was awarded to the Office of the Special Prosecutor (SJO) of the Republic of Macedonia. 
Director of the Institute Dr. Zijad Bećirović also said that the Office of the Special Public Prosecutor (SJO) of the Republic of Macedonia handles a different kind of crimes, which are a consequence of the “hijacked” state and democracy, or what actually happens in a country where public officials abuse the institutions of the system for their particular agendas. The work of some individuals in the face of hardship has become an inspiration and a model for many. They step forward, they stand out for their expertise, dedication, courage and persistence, and because of that we are honored to be able to recognize them and to express our appreciation for everything they have done for their citizens, countries, the region, the world and a better future for all of us. Most certainly, Serge Brammertz and Katica Janeva are those individuals.....

Die Edi Rama - Ilir Meta Mafia wollte sogar die Insel Sazan, zu einem exklusiven Mafia Club, Geldwäsche Club umwandeln in 2001, Anlegestelle und Vertrieb für Drogen nach Italien und Griechenland, natürlich mit Clubs und Casino.

  • und vor allemGenoveva Ruiz Calavera, im enormen Interessen Konflikt, wie eine „Nghradeta“ Organisation aufgebaut
  •  Independent Observation Mission (ONM) mit illegalem Selbst Bedienungs Management Board was Verfassungs widrig ist.
  • Andere Super Idioten der EU im Betrugs Imperium der EU.
    Lachkrampf über diesen Idioten, mit seinem Dumm Geschwätz in Tirana, was man in der TV Aufnahme schnell erkennt.

    Sylvain Gamber (political chief of EU delegation) für die Justiz Reform zuständig, ist im Modell des EU Betruges und der IRZ-Stiftung aber ein Experte (Verträge), für Fischerei in der EU und  Norwegen.
Dumm und ohne Kompetenz: Agnes Bernhard und mit der NGO Tussi des Georg Soros: Elita Gjonaj und Kollegen, welche vor aller Augen die Skhoder Justiz Mafia, das Vetting passieren lässt

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