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Washington Times, über die Mafiösen Umtriebe der EU, US Botschafter mit "Open Society" in Albanien


Kaum zu glauben wie korrupt man sein kann und nur Millionen an dubiose Personen aus dem Georg Soros Umfeld verteilt und die Dümmsten aus Deutschland und der EU machten erneut mit.
-Wie im Kosovo, Albanien werden Tausende von Gerichtsakten nicht bearbeitet, Prozesse verzögert. Sich von Georg Soros Leuten an der Nase herumführen zulassen ist die Krönung von Dumm EU und Deutschen Leuten rund um die IRZ Stiftung und der IRZ-Stiftung, nun mit Agnes Bernhard, die wohl auch als Putze noch zu unfähig wäre, nie einen Job hatte bei Gericht, in einer Firma, oder Kanzlei. Durch die Idioten der IRZ-Stiftung, OPDAT, Georg Soros Idioten gekauften EURALIUS Idioten, gibt es jetzt keine Staatsanwälte, noch Richter, weil die Leute gefeuert wurden, auf die Überprüfung warten, es auch keine entsprechende Ausbildung gibt, die Adminstrative Akademie erneut eine Erfindung der Justiz Missionen nur dazu diente, das KLientel Idioten der jeweiligen Idioten rund um die Justizminister, Premier Minister dort angeblich ausgebildet. Jetzt stapelt sich der Haufen der nicht erledigten Justizfälle jeden Tag um 50 und mehr Fälle, wo schon 30.000 Fälle warten. John Simbert: US OPDAT Mission[

Trump agenda undercut by diplomatic choices



Washington Times

U.S. Ambassador Donald Lu has had a long and polarizing history in Albania.

During his three-year stint as U.S. envoy to Tirana, he actively promoted an anti-corruption agenda that many critics say amounted to an attack on conservative Albanian politicians and parties, strongly backing so-called “justice reform.” He worked in conjunction with the socialist government of Prime Minister Edi Rama, a government heavily supported by liberal U.S. billionaire investor-philanthropist George Soros. The result of the campaign: a complete collapse of constitutional governance in the Balkan country.

The reforms Mr. Lu supported have led to a “vetting process” to ensure non-corrupt judges are placed on the courts. Sounds great in theory, but the consequences have been much different in the real world. No constitutional court is currently active in Albania because of a lack of a quorum, and the court is not expected to be operating for the foreseeable future.

This was all part of the plan, of course — to install pro-Soros people in power and then make it impossible for the opposition to challenge them in the courts. Sounds eerily familiar to those “Abolish ICE” and “Count all the votes, even illegal ones” chants American voters heard in the recent midterms.

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With the opposition and the courts neutered, Albanian politicians have happily allowed oligarchs to make fortunes off of local government contracts. Having a pro-Soros government in power also brings with it support for Mr. Soros’ pet projects, including legalization of drugs, the aggressive promotion of gay rights and open borders.

Albania was just a testing ground for the Soros agenda. Now the rest of the Balkans and Central Asia may soon experience the joys of Mr. Soros’ peculiar brand of coercive liberal globalism. Alex Soros, the son of the emperor, has been traveling from Balkan capital to Balkan capital, meeting with heads of state to spread the gospel and promote the virtues of liberal immigration policies.

In Kosovo, a Soros-backed “land swap” could lead to serious ethnic violence between the ethnic Albanian and Serbian communities. (Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel is opposed to the idea.) The sad thing is that the Trump administration, overwhelmed by domestic events, and international crises, appears through neglect to have delegated Balkan diplomacy and policy to the Soros father-son duo.

Now comes the alarming news that Mr. Lu, after promoting a Soros-endorsed agenda in Tirana, has been confirmed by the Senate and is now installed as the American ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. As the Church Lady would say, “How special!”

It is frustrating that, once again, the Trump administration seems to be unaware of the consequences of its diplomatic personnel choices. The Soros agenda for the region, targeting vulnerable countries still struggling to establish durable governance, is the beneficiary.

It is well documented how the State Department in Albania has openly opposed President Trump’s “American first” agenda, to the point of proclaiming their “resistance” and working with the Rama government on its deeply suspect “justice reform” agenda.

Albania is not exactly a foreign policy priority, and White House officials have told me privately that these kinds of issues are simply falling through the cracks given the instability and bigger fires that have to be dealt with on a daily basis.

But personnel decisions should be a particular area of concern, as Obama-era holdovers at Foggy Bottom quietly work to obstruct the MAGA agenda. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “is really having a difficult time. The State Department is a mess of a swamp,” I was told.

Don’t take my word for it on the policy consequences of leaving a diplomat like David Lu in place — just look at Mr. Soros’ own Open Society website. Mr. Lu is praised there as a “new ambassador that offers a chance to start again.” This is re-education at its finest. I am sure Prime Minister Rama lobbied hard for Mr. Lu to get his new posting in Kyrgyzstan.

America needs to get its diplomatic corps in order. Foreign Service officers serve the president of the United States, not their own priorities. It is time they realized that. If they don’t, they should have the grace to resign.
Ein Brief des Generalstaatsanwaltes Adriatik Llalla,an die Untersuchungs Kommission des US Kongresses über die Aktivitäten des US Botschafter mit Georg Soros, wie USAID erneut Millionen veruntreute, Oder von den Georg Soros Verbrechern bekam, weswegen die Justiz Mission scheitertte, wegen einer korrupten und dummen Mätrese aus Kroatien, welche ihren Auftritt als EU Botschafter hatte, einen aufgeblähten Dumm Club der Korruption und Inkompetenz.
Neben dem Super Bechtel Betrug, organisierte USAID, mit der Geldwäsche Bank: American Bank of Albania, mit dem AAEF Fund, einen illegalen Grundstücks Verkäufen an der Autobahn, an der Küste, und der Finanzierung von vielen Betrugs Geldwäsche Bauten an der Küste (Kredit Ausfall: 60 $% bei Baufirmen und Mafia Firmen)
Milliarden Diebstahl durch die Amerikaner. hier in 2001 an der im Bau befindlichen Autobahn: Durres – Tirana, zwischen Vore und Tirana
Wenn peinlich Dumme und korrupte Gestalten sich vorführen lassen, vor allem Agnes Bernhard und die IOM Tussi, EU Botschafterin, welche im Auftrage des gekaufen Donald Lu, nur Georg Soros Schwuchtel und LGBT NGO Banden an die Macht bringen wollten.

EU Verbrecher Bande in Tirana, der Inkompetenz
Die letzte Bastion war der EU Justiz Mission Leiter: Rainer Deville, wo die EU und US Banden, sogar mit Doppel Übersetzungen arbeiteten, wo eine Version nach Brüssel ging, falsch übersetzt zur Genehmigung an das Parlament, ein Profi Gesetzes Betrug der EU und US Botschaft, ebenso wie der Finanz und Privatisierungs Betrug ein System.

Die EU Justiz Missionen und IRZ-Stiftung: Peinlichkeiten der Inkompetenz und Organisierten Kriminalität

John Simbert: OPDAT Mission
    • Genoveva Ruiz Calavera (Hirnlos und peinlich) Unglaublich diese IOM Diebstahl Organisation, welche auch die „Roma“ Gelder im Kosovo im Moment stiehlt, weil über 90 % für eigene hohe Gehälter und Reisespesen vergeudet werden. Neuer Rekord an Korruptheit und Unfähigkeit, aber Amerikaner, Deutsche haben zuvor auch Nichts zustände gebracht, in der absoluten Unfähigkeit.

2012 wurde durch den Hillary Clinton Gangster Bajraktary, 80.000 $ bezahlt an Obama, wie das FBI ermittelte für dieses Foto

Obama – Edi Rama 80.000 $ Foto
Und nochmal nun in 2017, als Wahlkampf Werbung mit dummen Sprüchen gegen Donald Trump, wie Steinmeier
Steinmeier identisch dumm, mit solchen Sprüchen, wo Obama schon die „Scheckbucht Diplomatie“ von Steinmeier den Dumm Hofschranzen der Korruption und Auslands Bestechung in 2009 der Deutschen kritisierte. Damals wollte Steinmeier U-Boot Schrott der Deutschen in Pakistan verkaufen, forderte Zeitgleich: 10 MIlliarden € Entwicklungshilfe für Pakistan

– The Washington Times – Thursday, November 15, 2018
U.S. Ambassador Donald Lu has had a long and polarizing history in Albania.
During his three-year stint as U.S. envoy to Tirana, he actively promoted an anti-corruption agenda that many critics say amounted to an attack on conservative Albanian politicians and parties, strongly backing so-called “justice reform.” He worked in conjunction with the socialist government of Prime Minister Edi Rama, a government heavily supported by liberal U.S. billionaire investor-philanthropist George Soros. The result of the campaign: a complete collapse of constitutional governance in the Balkan country.
The reforms Mr. Lu supported have led to a “vetting process” to ensure non-corrupt judges are placed on the courts. Sounds great in theory, but the consequences have been much different in the real world. No constitutional court is currently active in Albania because of a lack of a quorum, and the court is not expected to be operating for the foreseeable future.
This was all part of the plan, of course — to install pro-Soros people in power and then make it impossible for the opposition to challenge them in the courts. Sounds eerily familiar to those “Abolish ICE” and “Count all the votes, even illegal ones” chants American voters heard in the recent midterms.
With the opposition and the courts neutered, Albanian politicians have happily allowed oligarchs to make fortunes off of local government contracts. Having a pro-Soros government in power also brings with it support for Mr. Soros’ pet projects, including legalization of drugs, the aggressive promotion of gay rights and open borders.
Albania was just a testing ground for the Soros agenda. Now the rest of the Balkans and Central Asia may soon experience the joys of Mr. Soros’ peculiar brand of coercive liberal globalism. Alex Soros, the son of the emperor, has been traveling from Balkan capital to Balkan capital, meeting with heads of state to spread the gospel and promote the virtues of liberal immigration policies.
In Kosovo, a Soros-backed “land swap” could lead to serious ethnic violence between the ethnic Albanian and Serbian communities. (Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel is opposed to the idea.) The sad thing is that the Trump administration, overwhelmed by domestic events, and international crises, appears through neglect to have delegated Balkan diplomacy and policy to the Soros father-son duo.
Now comes the alarming news that Mr. Lu, after promoting a Soros-endorsed agenda in Tirana, has been confirmed by the Senate and is now installed as the American ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. As the Church Lady would say, “How special!”
It is frustrating that, once again, the Trump administration seems to be unaware of the consequences of its diplomatic personnel choices. The Soros agenda for the region, targeting vulnerable countries still struggling to establish durable governance, is the beneficiary.
It is well documented how the State Department in Albania has openly opposed President Trump’s “American first” agenda, to the point of proclaiming their “resistance” and working with the Rama government on its deeply suspect “justice reform” agenda.
Albania is not exactly a foreign policy priority, and White House officials have told me privately that these kinds of issues are simply falling through the cracks given the instability and bigger fires that have to be dealt with on a daily basis.
But personnel decisions should be a particular area of concern, as Obama-era holdovers at Foggy Bottom quietly work to obstruct the MAGA agenda. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “is really having a difficult time. The State Department is a mess of a swamp,” I was told.
Don’t take my word for it on the policy consequences of leaving a diplomat like David Lu in place — just look at Mr. Soros’ own Open Society website. Mr. Lu is praised there as a “new ambassador that offers a chance to start again.” This is re-education at its finest. I am sure Prime Minister Rama lobbied hard for Mr. Lu to get his new posting in Kyrgyzstan.
America needs to get its diplomatic corps in order. Foreign Service officers serve the president of the United States, not their own priorities. It is time they realized that. If they don’t, they should have the grace to resign.
L. Todd Wood is a former special operations helicopter pilot and Wall Street debt trader, and has contributed to Fox Business, The Moscow Times, National Review, The New York Post and many other publications. He can be reached at LToddWood.com.
Washington Times: Reforma në drejtësi, Donald Lu punoi për interesat e Sorosdefault image
Dümmste Frau aller Zeiten in Albanien

  • Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, im enormen Interessen Konflikt, wie eine „Nghradeta“ Organisation aufgebaut
  •  Independent Observation Mission (ONM) mit illegalem Selbst Bedienungs Management Board was Verfassungs widrig ist.

und dann die peinliche IRZ-Leiterin, welche wegen totaler Verblödung den Skandal weiter machte, wie die EU Botschafterin:

Agnes Bernhat: Strohdumm, korrupt und Leiterin der IRZ Stiftung, EU Justiz Mission Euralius

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