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Die Telekom verkauft ihre Albanische Tochter

 Nach Millionen Verlusten, verkauft die Deutsche Telekom, über ihre Tochter OTE, die erst vor wenigen Jahren erworbenen Anteile an Mobil Funk Netzen in Albanien. Dumme Manager, machten viele kleine Zweigstellen auf, wo die Hirnlosen Globalisierer irgendwann merkten, das alle ihre angeblichen Zweigstellen kein realen Eigentum waren, sondern illegal gebaute Abzock Zweigstellen des Betruges.  Man lies, sich sogar vom Betrüger Lulzim Basha, einen kleinen bankrotten Anbieter aufschwatzen, wie von einer billigen Drücke Kolonne. So tief sind Deutsche Manager gesunken nicht nur bei der Post, Bahn, wenn US Consult Gangster auftreten.

 Ein Consult Gangster kommt zum Zuge, der gute Lehrmeister hatte, neben einem Bulgarischen Super Mafiosi. Zig Phantom Firmen, und dann noch von der US Betrugs Consult: Price Waterhouse und dann bei der Betrugs EBRD. http://top-channel.tv/english/telekom-albania-sold-to-bulgarian-company-also-shared-by-albanian-businessman/ Elvin GuriElvin Guri CEO Elvin Guri is an investor and entrepreneur with more than 15 years of successful track record in banking and private equity. As an investor and adviser, Elvin has been involved in deals in the financial institutions sector (Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia), in technology and biotechnology (Switzerland, Bulgaria), in healthcare and food industry (Bulgaria), and the real estate sector (USA). Prior to Empower Capital, Elvin and Ivan Hristanov co-founded JetFinance International, the largest independent consumer finance lender in SEE. JetFinance was sold to BNP Paribas Personal Finance in July 2007. Elvin started his career as an Auditor at Price Waterhouse in Sofia. Later he spent more than five years with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), both in London and in Sofia. At EBRD, Elvin worked mostly on financial institutions’ deals, but also contributed to deals in food processing, pulp and paper, and other industries. http://empowercapital.net/team/elvin-guri/ Background Mr. Elvin Guri is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at River Styxx Capital. Mr. Guri is the Chief Executive Officer at EMP Invest Bulgaria AD. He was the Chief Executive Officer and Member of Management Board at BNP Paribas Personal Finance EAD. In 2001, Mr. Guri, together with Ivan Hristanov, co-founded JetFinance International. He served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Starting from October 1996, he spent more than five years with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), where he assisted in setting up EBRD´s SME programme in Bulgaria and lending more than EUR 40 million to Bulgarian SMEs. Mr. Guri oversaw EBRD´s participation in the SME policy dialogue in Bulgaria and worked together with various donors to assist the SME Agency to set up a solid SME support infrastructure. He started his career as Auditor at Price Waterhouse. He serves as a Member of Board of Advisors of LAUNCHub. Mr. Guri served as a Member of Board of Trustees at American University in Bulgaria. Mr. Guri is an investor and entrepreneur with a successful track record in financial services. Post JetFinance, as an advisor and investor he has been involved in deals in the financial institutions sector (Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia), in technology and biotechnology venture funds (Switzerland, Bulgaria) and real estate (USA). He is fluent in English, Bulgarian and Albanian. He received EMBA from University of Oxford - Said Business School in 2015 and received BA cum laude in Applied Economics and History from the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) in 1996. Collapse Detail

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