Der Super Idiot aus dem Kosovo, ohne Bildung, mit einem Stipendium von Georg Soros, auf seiner Deppen Uni UET in Ungarn: Gent Cakaj, muss ebenso drohen, weil er strohumm ist.
Den Super Idioten gehen die Nerven durch, wo die einheimischen Albaner, die Mafia Regionen verlassen, auch die Albanische und Kosovo Staatsbürgerschaften abgebe. Alles löst sich in Rauch auf, aber das ein Recep Pacolli so dumm ist, da sehr aktiv mitzumischen mit Mördern, Voll Idioten und Kriminellen, zeigt den normalen Absturz von Leuten, die zu lange vor Ort sind. Etliche Staaten haben die Anerkennung des Kosovo Mafia Staates zurück gezogen, wobei die Region als Drogen Verteilstelle für Europa gilt und Betrugs Motor für die korrupten Deutschen und EU Kader, welche nur den Umsatz der Bordelle heben und mit Michael Roth, Schwuchtel Club mit Umsatz beleben.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Pacolli reportedly makes open death threat against Dacic
Behgjet Pacolli has made an open death threat directed at Serbia's First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.
Tanjug is reporting this citing a report in the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir, which said the incident happened during an informal EU ministerial meeting in Bucharest, Romania, over the weekend.
According to this, Pacolli, who serves as foreign minister in the Pristina government, spoke "without restraint, and in Serbian," when he addressed Dacic to say: "If there should be an assassination, you should know it's us Albanians."
Dacic commented on this later to tell Kurir that "Albanian politicians are nervous because the ground is collapsing under their feet."
"I'm already used to threats, but this is the first time an Albanian politician has said it to me so directly. It just shows how nervous they are, the ground is collapsing under their feet. They thought it was all over," Dacic said, and added:
"I replied to them that I am their minister, and they my assistants, because Kosovo is a part of Serbia. They're used to getting everything by force. Now they have hit the wall. There's no backing down, regardless of the threats."
Previously during the Gymnnich format meeting, that brought together EU foreign ministers and those from EU candidates, Dacic concluded that there were two Kosovo foreign ministers at the table, referring to Albania's acting FM, Gent Cekaj, who is originally from Kosovo.
According to the Albanian website Balkanweb, Dacic said: "Why does Kosovo have two foreign ministers at the table. That's heavy provocation by the (official) foreign minister and (prime minister) Edi Rama."
Cakaj then reportedly responded to say that Dacic "should have been provoked before considering that Kosovo has had two foreign ministers before."
"You're from Prizren (a town in Kosovo), aren't you," Cekaj asked Dacic, and added, "I'm an Albanian from Kosovo and I'm representing Albania here."
"Well yes. We're all from Serbia here. Kosovo is Serbia," Dacic replied - which "made Pacolli lose it and threaten with an assassination."
Edi Rama, meanwhile, is officially both the prime minister and the foreign minister of Albania, while Cakaj is acting foreign minister, thanks to Rama delegating his ministerial power in full to him.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
US now openly supports compromise solution for Kosovo - FM

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has assessed that the US administration "openly supports a compromise solution to the Kosovo problem."
SOURCE: BETA FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2018 | 11:23
Speaking in Washington after meetings with senior US officials, Dacic said that Serbia should "seize the moment."
"Now the (US) administration is ready to, at least, talk equally about our proposals for resolving the biggest probles in the region, which is definitely a lasting solution to the problem of Kosovo and Metohija. Today, there is open support for a compromise solution that is very positive and stimulating for Serbi , as an opportunity to reach a solution in the interests of all parties," Beta agency quoted Dacic as saying, citing a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.
The head of the Serbian diplomacy was on a two-day visit to the United States where he attended a ministerial conference dedicated to religious freedoms and a ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the raising of the Serbian flag at the White House - US President Woodrow Wilson's gesture meant to honor Serbia's sacrifice in the First World War.
Dacic said today that the new US administration of President Donald Trump created a "more favorable atmosphere" for expressing Serbia's stances and that there is a "greater understanding" of the position of Belgrade, as well as "a desire to reset relations between the two countries", the ministry said.
Dacic said that the talks he had with US National Security Adviser John Bolton and assistant US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell had been "very constructive" and "passed in a very positive atmosphere."
He added that Bolton told him the Trump administration believes the US policy towards the Balkans thus far had been "on autopilot - a policy that was defined 20-30 years ago."
"We will continue our contacts, I repeat, with great US support for the dialogue. It's a big change, because until two years ago when you spoke with American institutions you could only hear that the (Kosovo) issue had been resolved," Dacic said.
He assessed that his visit to the United States was "very significant, with good results for Serbia" as well as "a great opportunity to talk about resetting and revitalizing relations between Washington and Belgrade," the statement added.
Dacic said that he conveyed to President Aleksandar Vucic his impressions from the United States - that the situation was now "significantly different compared to some previous times" and that Serbia should seize that moment to come up with a solution to problems in the region together with the US administration, and to "reaffirm its foreign policy position."
"Therefore, to solve the problems in the region in a way where everyone will gain, without looking for who will lose something. That is a big change," said Dacic.
Wie dumm diese Albaner sind, kann man in diesem TV Interview von Ali Ahmeti sehen, der als Wurzel Zwerg, von Bin Laden MIlitär Chef finanziert wurde, von der US Söldner Truppe MPRI später Blackwater, organisiert wurde.
Ali Ahmeti und seine Bildung: "Alexander der Große" war ein Albaner, aber eine Wissenschaftliche Quelle kann er nicht erklären.
Der Mazedonische Idiot Ali Ahmeti +FYROM Budali
Albin Kurti ein " halbanalphabetischer Krakeeler" und seine kriminellen Hintermänner aus der AKSH