Wesley Clark puts name behind synthetic liquid fuel project in Kosovo
Good report from NPR on a business venture former NATO General Wesley Clarkis doing in Kosovo. The Canadian company he leads, Envidity inc, is investing up to $5.6 million dollars to extract synthetic liquid fuel from coal. If this pans out, the plan calls for producing up to 100,000 barrels of synthetic diesel daily. Given the 15,000 metric tons of proven reserves of lignite coal, this will do wonders for Kosovo's economy. More investment is certainly needed to reach the full potential, but no doubt this could be a game changer for the country. Listed to the report here: M... mehr »
Kommentar: wenigsten sucht er keine Geschäfts Partner, für die Lieferung von Gift Gas Anlagen in den Kosovo, was auch nicht verwundern kann, bei seine Partnern wie Damir Fazllic und die Gangster wie Frank Wisner und Co.