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Hohe Haftstrafen, für die Schläger, Kosovo Terroristen aus Kumanova für ihre Mord Serie in 2015

In 2015:Georg Soros Putsch mit korrupten Botschaftern und Albaner Terroristen ging vollkommen daneben in MazedonienThursday, May 16, 2019 

Überall wo Albaner sind, herrscht Chaos, auch in Montenegro, wo es auch Etnische Säuberungen gibt, nicht nur in Mazedonien, dem Kosovo, oder Albanien**

Direkt mit US und Deutschen Geldern finanziert, diese Art von Terroristen, welche die Kosovo Mafia, in grossen Mengen in Mazedonien ansiedelten, komplette Gegenden mit ihren illegalen Bauten und dem Landraub verwüsteten, an der Schaltstellte, für Drogen, Auto, Waffen Schmuggel

Die grösste Bedrohung für Europa, diese Verbrecher Banden in Europa, wie das FBI schon in 2003 feststellte.

Bewaffente Dumm Schläger und Mörder, mit US Pass, die auch in Syrien als Terroristen Ausbilder eingesetzt waren
Beg Rizaj und Mirsad Ndrecaj


 Das kriminelle Enterprise in Skopje mit dem US Botschafter: Paul Wohlers - "The six horsemen of the apocalypse, the so called "western" ambassadors"

June 3, 2008 — Soros’ destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a haven for drug trafficking
publication date: Jun 3, 2008
Soros’ political and economic interference results in growth of organized crime in Europe http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/20080603
The terrorist attack in Kumanovo’s Divo settlement took place on May 9 and 10, 2015, when Macedonian police clashed with more than 40 armed members „of an unknown organization, hiding in local houses.“

Eight police officers were killed while 37 suffered serious injuries in the clashes. The police managed to overcome the attackers, capturing 27 of them.

North Macedonia: Convicted terrorists say, "This is Albania"

SManalysis (EPA-EFE, file, illustration)"This is Albania," a group convicted for carrying out a terrorist attack in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, declared in the Appellate Court in Skopje on Thursday.
SOURCE: TANJUG THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019 | 15:29 The group of ethnic Albanians appeared in court as they have been granted a retrial by the North Macedonia judicial authorities. They also said that they did not recognize the court, and that the lawyers assigned to them had no right to speak for them, North Macedonia-based website A1on is reporting. "This court does not exist for us. This is Albania. The lawyers assigned to us have no right to speak on our behalf. We have been listening for four years, now you listen to us," said Genc Sefaj, one of the convicts. They said that "the entire court process had been framed by the coalition of Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti" - and demanded to have as witnesses former Prime Minister Gruevski, former director of the Macedonian Security Service Saso Mijalkov, current head of the ruling Albanian party Ali Ahmeti, former head of the state of Gjorge Ivanov, Stojance Angelov, Musa Xhaferi, Sadula Duraki, as well as other senior former and current officials of the DUI - another ethnic Albanian party in North Macedonia. After this, they left the public session of the Appellate Court, which continued only in the presence of their lawyers. The Basic Court in Skopje previously sentenced the members of the group to seven life sentences, 13 prison sentences of 40 years, six to 20 years, one to 18 years, two each to 14 prison and 13 years - while four had been released for lack of evidence. The court also sentenced 16 people to expulsion from the state and a permanent ban on entry into the territory of North Macedonia. The terrorist attack in Kumanovo's Divo settlement took place on May 9 and 10, 2015, when Macedonian police clashed with more than 40 armed members "of an unknown organization, hiding in local houses." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-C6necwW9o Eight police officers were killed while 37 suffered serious injuries in the clashes. The police managed to overcome the attackers, capturing 27 of them.
Fallout from SDSDPNE’s treason: Kosovo terrorists chastise Macedonian Judge: This is Albania
Thursday, May 16, 2019

North Macedonia: Convicted terrorists say, "This is Albania"

SManalysis  "This is Albania," a group convicted for carrying out a terrorist attack in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, declared in the Appellate Court in Skopje on Thursday.
SOURCE: TANJUG THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019 | 15:29 The group of ethnic Albanians appeared in court as they have been granted a retrial by the North Macedonia judicial authorities. They also said that they did not recognize the court, and that the lawyers assigned to them had no right to speak for them, North Macedonia-based website A1on is reporting. "This court does not exist for us. This is Albania. The lawyers assigned to us have no right to speak on our behalf. We have been listening for four years, now you listen to us," said Genc Sefaj, one of the convicts. They said that "the entire court process had been framed by the coalition of Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti" - and demanded to have as witnesses former Prime Minister Gruevski, former director of the Macedonian Security Service Saso Mijalkov, current head of the ruling Albanian party Ali Ahmeti, former head of the state of Gjorge Ivanov, Stojance Angelov, Musa Xhaferi, Sadula Duraki, as well as other senior former and current officials of the DUI - another ethnic Albanian party in North Macedonia. After this, they left the public session of the Appellate Court, which continued only in the presence of their lawyers. The Basic Court in Skopje previously sentenced the members of the group to seven life sentences, 13 prison sentences of 40 years, six to 20 years, one to 18 years, two each to 14 prison and 13 years - while four had been released for lack of evidence. The court also sentenced 16 people to expulsion from the state and a permanent ban on entry into the territory of North Macedonia. The terrorist attack in Kumanovo's Divo settlement took place on May 9 and 10, 2015, when Macedonian police clashed with more than 40 armed members "of an unknown organization, hiding in local houses." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-C6necwW9o Eight police officers were killed while 37 suffered serious injuries in the clashes. The police managed to overcome the attackers, capturing 27 of them.
Fallout from SDSDPNE’s treason: Kosovo terrorists chastise Macedonian Judge: This is Albania

** Montenegro, es werden Kirchen abgebrannt, geplündert

Vandalising of Church Raises Ethnic Tensions in Montenegro

Tensions rose between ethnic Albanians and Orthodox Christian believers after unknown vandals desecrated the foundations of a church in the village of Martinaj in northern Montenegro, where locals claim there are no longer any Christians.

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