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Der Berufsbetrüger Josef Ackermann, hinterliess in Zypern, über 10 Milliarden faule Kredite und verschwand

Auch in Zypern, hinterliess der Super Profi Betrüger ein Desaster: über 10 Milliarden € faule Kredite und schied aus der Bank aus am 14. Mai 2019 aus, als auch das dortige Desaster nicht mehr zu vertuschen war, und weitere Beute mit seinem kriminellen Umfeld nicht mehr möglich war.

Angela Merkel Berater und man gibt gerne für Super Betrüger eine private Geburtstags Party im  Kanzler Amt in 2008  

Prominente aus der Korrupten Wirtschaft und Politik, kamen in Scharen.

Josef Ackermann beim World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010
Josef Ackermann (Josef Meinrad „Joe“ Ackermann) (* 7. Februar1948 in Walenstadt[1][2], Kanton St. Gallen, Schweiz Seit dem 20. November 2014 ist er Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Bank of Cyprus.

Verwaltungsratspräsident der Bank of Cyprus

Vom 20. November 2014 bis 14. Mai 2019 war Josef Ackermann Verwaltungsratspräsident der Bank of Cyprus.[30][31


Cyprus: Red loans in March stood at EUR 10.14 billion

Cyprus: Red loans in March stood at EUR 10.14 billion
By Michalis Michael
A decrease of EUR 151 million, or 1.46%, was recorded for total non-performing loans in March, which stood at EUR 10.14 billion.
According to Central Bank data, the percentage of non-performing grants (under the European Banking Authority’s directive) against total loans fell to 30.6% in March, from 31.1% in the previous month, as the rate that red loans fell exceeded the rate of reduction of total loans in the system.
The decline is in non-performing loans (NPLs) is less, which fell by just EUR 34m to EUR 7.9bn in March, compared to EUR 7.97bn last month. As a percentage of total loans, NPLs accounted for 24% of total loans from 24.1% last month.
On a quarterly basis, non-performing grants declined by just EUR 116 million, while on a year-on-year basis (March 2018) red loans declined by EUR 8.23 ​​billion, mainly reflecting the sale of the NPLs package by the Bank of Cyrus (EUR 2.7 billion) and the transfer of the non-performing grants of the former Co-operative Bank of Cyprus outside the banking system and to the state loan management body (KEDIPES).
The lion’s share of red loans is held by households with a total of EUR 5.15 billion (a decrease of EUR 38 million compared to February = 51%, while corporate red loans totaled EUR 4.7 billion) in March, down by EUR 118 million compared to the previous month./ibna

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