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Mazedonien ein "sinkendes Schiff", wo man der korrupten Zoran Zaev Bande, auch den NATO und EU Beitritt verweigert.

Die selbst installierten Dumm Verbrecher des Georg Soros, wollen die USA nicht einmal mehr in der NATO haben, wo der Französiche Botschafter sagt: Mazedonien ist ein sinkendes Schiff. Erneut durch die korrupten EU, US und Berliner Botschafter installiert. Wie in Deutschland: nie gearbeitet, man stiehlt nur hohe Geldsummen, mit der Mafia aufgebauten "Zivilen Gesellschaft" einem Mafia Modell für Dumme.

Radmila Sekerinska und Zoran Zaev

Verteidigungsministerin von Mazedonien, Original Strohdumm, korrupt und Georg Soros Vertreterin, als System.

Macedonians in US ask Erdogan to Veto Macedonia’s NATO entry


Die NATO Idioten sind überall dabei, wenn man Profi Kriminelle Clans braucht, wie in Montenegro, oder Albanien bis Georgien

Republic of North Macedonia to take seat at NATO’s table on Feb.13

Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska will represent the Republic of North Macedonia for the first time as an official invitee at the NATO Defence Ministers meeting which will take place Feb. 13-14 in Brussels.


Dutch ambassador on Macedonia: It’s a sinking ship


A day after the shockingly honest interview given by French Ambassador Christian Thimonier, the newly appointed Dutch Ambassador to Macedonia Dirk Jan Kop also didn’t mince his words when describing his host country.
Kop compared Macedonia to a sinking ship and urged for urgent reforms to “plug the holes”, especially in the judiciary.
At an event organized by Transparency International – Macedonia, Ambassador Kop said that laws were being put in place with room allowing their abuse by those in power, which needs to be rectified.
France and the Netherlands were the most outspoken opponents of the further EU enlargement toward the Balkans, and eventually France blocked the opening of accession talks with Macedonia and Albania. The two countries were particularly unwilling to continue to paint a rosy picture following the major corruption scandals tied with the Zaev regime, which prompted loud criticism of Ambassador Thimonier by Zaev supporters in the public.

das Georg Soros Komplott, einem korrupten Enterprise Weltweit

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