NATO Stile für Dumm Kriminelle wie in Albanien: Radmila Sekerinska ist ja Verteidigungsministerin, was an die korrupten Dumm Orgien, der Ursula von der Leyen erinnert. Die Georg Soros Vertreterüberall in Europa bis Berlin, des SPD Deppen Clubs. Der NATO und EU Beitritt, wurde auch hier für die Banden verweigert, wie für Albanien.
Sie galt als Symbolfigur im Kampf gegen Korruption, jetzt scheint die Ermittlerin Katica Janeva selbst in einen prominenten Erpressungsfall verstrickt zu sein. Warum die Affäre das Land auf dem Balkan hart trifft.
Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva was taken from her home in Kozle at 10am local time.
3 Gestirn des Verbrecherns, ein EU, US installiertes Erpressungs Kartell
Katice Janeva, Ex-Sonder Generalstaatsanwältin, welche nur ein Erpresser Kartell errichtete.
Because why not! Sekerinska and Angjusev made 1.6m euros ‘deal’ on New Year Eve

On December 30, 2019, just two days before Angjusev left the Government, the Ministry of Defense concluded a one-year public procurement contract with Koco Angjusev’s company Energy Delivery Solutions EDS DOOEL Skopje.
There were 4 bids in the tender and it was awarded to the company that offered the lowest price – Angjusev’s company.
Mafia Styl:
„The six horsemen of the apocalypse, the so called „western“ ambassador – —
„The US Ambassador Jess Bailey, nicknamed by Macedonian media as „Jess (Himmler) Bailey was instrumental in the failed coup attempt in Turkey where several civilians died during months old staged protests.
The ‘Pathologies of Europeanization’—How the EU is Failing the Justice Reform in Albania
Die NATO Idioten sind überall dabei, wenn man Profi Kriminelle Clans braucht, wie in Montenegro, oder Albanien bis Georgien

Jeder weiß im Balkan, das die EU und sonstigen EU Gelder nur dazu dienen, Privatisierungs Betrug zufinanzieren und den Reise Tourismus der korrupten EU Banden, die jedes Verbrecher Kartell im Balkan aufbauten, wie die Amerikaner ebenso
New bribery tape – Zaev says “f… the name”

We work with European money, with Greek municipalities and I tell them that there is a problem with the name of our country, but we need to get the European money in any instance. Our people are in Greece the whole summer, there are their people who invest here, like Michailides (tobacco magnate Alexander Michailides, I’m friends with him. Let’s open the life, let’s live, the time is passing by, where is the value, f… the name, f… it, Zaev shouts.
Hamster in the Wheel – Credibility and EU Balkan policy
15 January 2020
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- The Netherlands are for opening talks only with North Macedonia. In June 2019, 105 out of 150 members of the Dutch parliament voted against starting talks with Albania.
- France and others do not agree to separate North Macedonia and Albania; they argue that it is better not to start talks with either.
- Italy insists that talks must start with both countries as soon as possible.
The result of this is a stalemate that has thrown EU strategy in the Western Balkans into total confusion. However, if Paris, Rome and The Hague could find a joint common position the rest of the EU might rally around it. Can this be achieved? A good starting point is to recognise that there is a deeper problem.
Fischer's crystal ball

In 2010 European thinkers were asked about the shape of the European Union in 2030. Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer predicted then that any "expansion of the EU to include the Balkan states by 2030 … [is] ruled out." His explanation: a deep European malaise. National positions across the EU are "simply too different."
A decade has passed. What happened since?
The last country to join the EU, Croatia, applied for accession in 2003. It joined the EU one decade after it had applied (2013).North Macedonia applied for accession in 2004. It became a candidate within one year (2005). In the fourteen years since then it has not been allowed to start talks.Montenegro applied for accession in 2008. It started talks four years later (June 2012). It has now been negotiating for almost eight years, already longer than Croatia. Of 35 negotiation chapters only 3 have been closed.Serbia applied for accession in 2009. It started talks five years later (2014). It has, so far, closed 2 chapters.Albania applied for accession in 2009, even before Serbia. One decade later it has not yet started talks.Bosnia applied for accession in 2016. It has not advanced since.Kosovo has been told that it cannot apply for EU accession, as its independence is not recognised by all EU member states.
This is a familiar scenario: never ending accession. Turkey applied for EU membership in 1987. It started accession talks 18 years later in 2005. It has been negotiating for 15 years since. It managed to close 1 chapter. And while the process was highly transformative early on, leading to positive reforms in Turkey between 2001 and 2010, it stopped being a motor for reforms at least a decade ago. The Western Balkans are currently on this trajectory. How to change it?