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Die Tetova Mafia, übernimmt mit dem "Hebibi" Clan, den Import von Kokain und die Verteilung in Europa

 3 Kühl LKWs wurden beschlagnahmt mit Früchten und Bananen, erneut mit Kokain voll gepackt, wo die Container, über den Hafen Bar, ins Land kamen, aus Süd Amerika. Über Tetova, sollte die Ware, nach Koper geliefert werden, zur Verteilung in Europa.

Featured image of article: EMRAT/ 1.3 ton kokainë mes bananeve, ‘koka’ ishin 3 vëllezërit shqiptarë

Bananencontainer-Besteller , zwei Brüder, Sejdullah Hebibi und Enver Hebibi , Fahrer des Bananencontainers Jovan Kosovic aus Montenegro, waren zusammen mit der anderen Person im Lastwagen, Jetmir Hebibi, dem Bruder der Firma , in Handschellen. Die fünfte inhaftierte Person ist Rauf Ismani , ein albanisch-mazedonischer Mann, der in einem Van vor dem Container saß. Die Bananenfirma ist “ Baniks LTD“.
Sejdullah Hebibi und Enver Hebibi

Eine der verhafteten Personen für das beschlagnahmte Kokain in Mazedonien ist der Fahrer des Bananencontainertrainers. Er kommt aus Montenegro und Report Tv erfährt, dass seine Identität Jovan Kosovic ist. Er war zusammen mit Jetmir Hebib im Lastwagen, ebenfalls verhaftet.
Zusammen mit ihnen wurde ein albanisch-mazedonischer Rauf Ismani festgenommen, der sich in einem Van vor Bananenbehältern befand, in denen auch Kokain versteckt war.
Der Pate: Lalzim Destani, Frank Walter Steinmeier in Berlin

North Macedonia Joins Partners in Busting Cocaine-Smuggling Gang
As part of an international drug-busting operation involving a number of other countries, police in North Macedonia have seized a kilo of Colombian cocaine in a village near the capital.

North Macedonia’s interior minister, Nakje Culev. Photo: mvr.gov.mk

North Macedonia’s Interior Minister, Nake Culev, on Thursday, said police seized a kilo of cocaine on Wednesday as part of an international drug-busting operation that had involved “several countries”, while not naming them.
“We have seized only part of the entire shipment of cocaine which, according to our preliminary findings, had our country as its final destination… the rest [of the drug haul] is in another country but I cannot tell you how much, in order to protect the ongoing investigation,” Culev said.
The seized cocaine entered North Macedonia from neighbouring Albania and had been transported in a truck driven by a Montenegrin citizen, known only as J.K., the minister said.
The police had followed the truck since its entry and made the bust at the storage facility of a local fruit company in the village of Krushopek, near Skopje, which was its final destination.
After finding the cocaine hidden among packages of bananas, police apprehended the owner of the fruit company, two employees as well as the Montenegrin truck driver.
The minister said initial checks showed that the fruit company had been dealing extensively with fruit imports from Colombia and Ecuador in Latin America in the past.
“This is an international operation against the criminal structures involved in drug smuggling,” Culev said.
After news of the bust broke, regional media outlets suggested the drug-busting operation had been likely coordinated between the US Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, and police in North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Italy. The minister did not confirm this, saying that more details would follow soon.
According to media reports, the drugs found on Wednesday were probably part of a much larger cocaine trafficking operation involving about 1.3 tons of cocaine, which arrived by ship in Albania and was allegedly intended to reach Slovenia and then be distributed from there to other European countries.
Culev, a minister in the caretaker government appointed to oversee looming elections in North Macedonia, added a political tone to his initial statement on Facebook, writing that “the time has passed when the interior ministry cooperated and supported criminal structures in the country”.
It was unclear what period he was referring to – but the minister comes from the ranks of the main opposition VMRO DPMNE party, while his predecessor at the ministry, the current caretaker PM, Oliver Spasovski, is a member of the Social Democrats.  https://balkaninsight.com/2020/02/20/north-macedonia-joins-partners-in-busting-cocaine-smuggling-gang/

1.3 ton kokainë hyri në Shqipëri mes kontejnerëve me banane! Në dijeni DEA, Italia e SPAK…EMRAT e 4 shqiptarëve të arrestuar në Maqedoninë e Veriut /FOTOT

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