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Die Aktuellen "Corona" Gehirnwäsche Programme, der EU, Berlin, CIA, Pentagon, NATO auch für den Balkan

Sputnik Srbija Narratives Fuel East-West Division in Western Balkans, NATO STRATCOM Report Finds
Sputnik Srbija emphasises division in the Western Balkans, presenting pro-Western forces as ‘weak’ and ‘corrupt’, aiming to subordinate their neighbours. That is one of the conclusions of a report published by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO Stratcom CoE). It analysed the online version of the Kremlin-sponsored outlet Sputnik in the Serbian language for a period of one year (the whole year of 2018).
Sputnik Srbija has been operational since 2015. Due to language similarities between the Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian languages, it reaches audiences also in the other Western Balkans countries. NATO Stratcom CoE focused on a sample of articles which relate to eight topics: the six Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), the EU and NATO, with the aim to deduct the main narratives Sputnik Srbija promoted on these issues.
Sputnik Srbija’s reporting reinforces the perception of a division between ‘pro-Western’ and ‘pro-Eastern’ sides in the Western Balkans, the research says. Those close to the West (Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro) were depicted more negatively and often associated with crime and corruption. They were presented as if they had lost “sovereignty” to the West, leaving them with “little power” and autonomy in decision-making. Serbia was presented as sympathising with Russia and therefore a “success-story in the region”.
Western Balkans as a battlefield?
NATO Stratcom CoE observed Sputnik Srbija articles which downplayed aspirations of some of the countries to join the NATO or the EU. The researchers identified 617 articles promoting the narrative that the EU is “hegemonic”. Occasionally, the reporting also focused on disagreements within the EU on the enlargement policy. 386 articles claimed that the Western Balkans were under the influence of the EU, referring as an example at the EU’s involvement in the name change referendum in North Macedonia. “The EU is not able to handle the refugee crisis”, was a narrative pushed in 75 Sputnik articles.
360 articles presented the Western Balkans as a “battle field” of the EU, with 189 articles mentioning the EU in competition with Russia. Kosovo in particular was presented as a playground for rivalry with Russia, whereas Russia is presented as supporting the Serbs in Kosovo, in opposition to the EU, which is claimed to be on the side of the Albanians in Kosovo.
Sputnik Srbija“presumably behaves like a professional media outlet”, the report finds. 88% of the articles analysed were news reports and many of them reported neutrally on the facts. These were occasionally combined with false and exaggerated elements, put out of context to shape public opinion. A neutral or opposing tone (one third of the articles) was alternated with a negative tone (65% of the articles analysed). Like other Kremlin-sponsored media, narratives promoted by Sputnik Srbija often trigger feelings of fear, unease and insecurity.
Read more:
Fact-Checkers note a 35 % increase in disinformation, published by Serbian tabloids
Disinformation sharpened tensions between Serbia and Montenegro 
How Serbian Sputnik infiltrated a disinformation hub in Bosnia and Herzegovina 




 Die billigste gekaufte Gestalt, rund um Betrug, schwafelt etwas von Start Ups und Fake News aussortieren. Real wie das Adviser Board,, beim EU, Pentagon, NATO Betrugs Spektakel zeigt, ist man umgeben von höchsten Geheimdienst, Pentagon und NATO Verbrechern, als Feigenblatt, wie man soviel Lügen für Krieg und den Corona Betrug verbreiten kann. Von dümmlicher krimineller Energie getragen, wird man bezahlt, wie eine Prostituierte für Kriegs, Pharma, Corona Betrug um das zu koordinieren. Pünktlich, für den Corona Betrug, die einheitliche Falsch Medien Verbreitung für Panik Mache, wurde die Frau installier. Abteilich: "useful Idiots" im NATO, EU Bereich.

Nützliche Idiotin, sitzt in Mitten von Militär, Geheimdienstleuten, will Nichts gemerkt haben und lässt sich von den dunklen Mächten finanzierten und mit Posten versorgen. Software, welche NATO Lügen besser verbreiten will, wie EU Lügen, echte Fachleute gezielt ausschaltet, mit Facebook , google, Druck auf Provider aber auch Mord in Notfalle.

„Die Medienvielfalt zu sichern, ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe“, sagt Alina Fichter und „dazu braucht es verbindliche Spielregeln.“

aus der Sendung vom
Mi, 4.12.2019 10:00 Uhr, Leute, SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

Unliebsame Beamte, mit 35 Dienstjahren, wurden heute aus dem Innenministerium entfernt, der Schaden der Corona Fake Betrugs Geschichte gut beschrieb, rechtzeitig warnte. Aber Angela Merkel. Horst Seehofer wollten Proift machen mit Roche nochmal, dem Tamiflu Betrüger und Beide tauchten dort vor Jahren auf, wie heute Markus Söder und Jens Spahn, für Betrug pure

Geleakt aus dem BMI: brisante Analyse
Exklusiv auf TE: „Ein Vorwurf könnte lauten: Der Staat hat sich in der Coronakrise als einer der größten fake-news-Produzenten erwiesen.

Noch eine NATO Desinformation Quelle auch auf Deutsch, damit alle einheitlich berichten

https://euvsdisinfo.eu/ wurde von Obama installiert,

Kommentare, sind Extrem, über die Nützliche Idiotin, die von Mördern, Verbrechern angeheuert wurde.

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