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Das korrupte Georg Soros Regime in Mazedonien, schlägt den Russischen "Covid" Impfstoff aus



Das EU installierte korrupte Zoran Zaev Regime in Mazedonien, schlägt den Russen Corona Impfstoff aus, will lieber den Westlichen Müll Impfstoff, mit schweren Nebenwirkungen, der gegen Nichts schützt. Albanische Drogen Dealer, werden Adviser bei Mafia Albaner Ministern in Mazedonien und Alles ist gut und normal. Kosovo Kriminelle, kaufen sich seit langem Posten in Albanien, Mazedonien, werden Abgeordnete.

Wenn eine dumme Frauen Bande, um Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, Europa ruiniert, korrumpiert und lächerlich macht 

Russian Embassy offers Macedonia Sputnik V vaccine – SDSM says No, will pay EU for same vaccines


The Russian Embassy has directly reached out and asked the Macedonian Government junta to assist them with coronavirus vaccines by offering them free batch of the Sputnik V vaccines which will make them available right away.

The SDSM criminal junta ignored Russia’s offer, instead ordered vaccines through the EU “Covax” mechanism. Irony immediately intervened as Brussels assigned Macedonia to receive Russia’s Sputnik V vaccines at an undetermined time, with June being one possibility.

That’s right! The Northistan Republic refused free Sputnik V vaccines available immediately by Moscow, and agreed to purchase the same Russian vaccines from the EU, available at a much later date.


Albanian singer Shpat Kasapi has recently been appointed adviser to Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi. Shpat will advise Artan on culture and society. He is 35 years old and is popular singer in Albania.

However, a month ago, Kasapi was caught with two drug packages in Gjorce Petrov. His drugs were seized and he was detained.




There is pattern of DUI & SDSM bringing in dozens of Albanians from Kosovo and Albania who are given Macedonian documents with attractive Government positions despite being unqualified for the roles.





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