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In vielen Mafia Geschäften immer unterwegs: Wesley Clark will eine junge Frau heiraten

Der Langzeit Gangster Damir Fazllic, seine Waffen Lieferungen mit Bosnischen Kriminellen und Salih Berisha und der Balkan Schlächter "Wesley Clark" immer mit Mördern, Terroristen und Kriminellen unterwegs. Kosovo und Geschäfte der US Gangster, welche den Krieg damals organisiert haben. Ein Langzeit Thema, was bei Wesley Clark, Madeleine Allbright - besser bekannt als die "Putzfrau" beginnt. Exclusive: Gen. Wesley Clark, 68, dating 30-year-old fashion entrepreneur Shauna Mei
  • Last Updated: 8:46 AM, August 8, 2013
  • Posted: 12:27 AM, August 8, 2013
Retired 68-year-old US Army general and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley K. Clark has won yet another esteemed decoration — he is dating 30-year-old Shauna Mei, the founder of online retailer AHAlife.com. Clark, who was married to Gertrude Kingston Clark for 45 years before filing for divorce last year, is spending time with the young New York-based entrepreneur, who graduated from MIT and worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker before launching her luxury e-commerce site. Clark and Mei were spotted together recently in the Hamptons, prompting rumors of a relationship. We’re told that despite the 38-year age difference, they “looked very affectionate, it was clear they were a couple. They were holding hands, they were not trying to hide their relationship.” Society spies say the couple look great together, with one female admirer gushing, “He is in tremendous shape.”
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Clint Spaulding/PatrickMcMullan.
Gen. Wesley Clark and Shauna Mei

Wesley Clark

Unexplained Mysteries of Life: Creepy Old Man Wesley Clark Shacking Up With 30-Year-Old
shaunameiWe’re sure they have a lot in common. Retired 68-year-old US Army general and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley K. Clark has won yet another esteemed decoration — he is dating 30-year-old Shauna Mei, the founder of online retailer … Continued
  Tschetschenischer Terrorist, in Nord Albanien 1998-1999! Insgesamt waren dort lt. OSCE und CSIS Berichten 300 Islamische Terroristen tätig, von den Amerikaner und der Britischen SAS ausgebildet und finanziert. http://balkanforum.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=216Wesly Clark, gab Völker Rechts widrige Befehle, Zivile Ziele im Balkan zu bombadieren, was bestens u.a. durch Spanische Offiziere dokumentiert ist, was ein Kriegs Verbrechen ist. Es ging ja auch immer nur ums Geschäft und Wesley Clark ist wieder mal in Tirana, wegen seiner Banker Petroel Firma, die von einer sehr einfältigen angeblichen Kanadierin geführt wird, die kaum bis 3 zählen kann, noch Mittelmaß Standard im Essen und Dinieren hat. Kerry’s Wahlkampf Financier: Aufruf: “Zum Spass Serben töden!”wesley clark holbrookVerbrecher unter sich: Wesley Clark, Holbrook, Fljoren Krasnici Und wieder wird Amerikanische Propaganda enttarnt. aus albaniaDer gerade verhaftete Super Verbrecher Almir Rrapo, Staats Sekretär im Diplomatischen Dienste des sogenannten Minister Ilir Meta, gehört zur der auch hier erwähnten Brooklyn Connection! US Politiker, haben eine lange Tradition nicht nur im Balkan, das man prominente Mörder und Verbrecher als Partner hat, wie ja Jo Biden gerade ebenso vorführte. Eng verbunden, sind diese Verbrecher, als Frank Wisner Verbrecher Politik im Balkan und US System Weltweit, immer mit den grössten Verbrechern. FreudeFreudeFreudeDer NATO Geheim Bericht 47 Seiten, über den Super Verbrecher Xhavit Halili Vor wenigen Tagen in Tirana! Foto des Gespräches von Wesley Clark und Damir Fazllic, wo Fazllic der Wortführer ist, als es um das Geschäft wieder mal ging, im Oktober in Tirana - Albanien!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mero Base: Berisha links with Islamics Abdul Latif Saleh, his sponsor Democratic Party of Salih Berisha The selected person of "Allah" in Tirana, friend of Sali Berisha. The meeting in Istanbul with close Arab friend of the Albanian president, who will help to raise the press plunged into crisis.
Strange that there were links between DP officials and representatives of Islamic world came to Albania in the early 90s and who were later accused by the Americans as financiers of terrorism.
Damals ging es um Waffen, welche der CIA, teilweise über die Iranischen Revolutions Garden nach Bosnien lieferte, inklusive Afghanistan Schlächter, inklusive Kopf abschneiden und heute geht es um Energie Geschäfte, wie auch Öl Geschäfte, wo Wesley Clark an Bankers Petroleum beteiltigt ist.
Alles dreht sich immer nur um Geschäfte!
Hier ist der Besuch besser dokumentiert und wie sich Wesley Clark, intensiv mit Damir Fazllic, der Britischen Pass hat, unterhält. Der Osmani Clan gehoert zu einem der groessten Verbrecher Kartells im Balkan und Partnter und Verwandter ist Erion Isufi, der ein Neffe von aktuellen Albanischen Aussenminister Luan Basha ist. Eng verbunden geschaeftlich auch dem dem Top Mafia Boss Damir Fazllic! Partner der Deutschen Politik und der Lobby Verbanede OMV und DAW. Erion Isufi ist schon bei der Volksbank Lauenburg damals aktiv dabei gewesen mit den Osmanis und zugleich gut dokumentiert im Drogen- und Frauen Handels Geschaeft, was offensichtlich die Voraussetzung bei kriminellen Deutschen Politikern ist, um Geschaeftspartner zu werden. Mr. Erion Isufi Tirana, Tirana - Albania RENO Fashion&Shoes General Manager Sheraton Tirana, Sheshi Italia Tirana, 00000 Albania http://www.naymz.com/search/erion/isufi/2127593Fakt ist, das Damir Fazllic, Britischen Pass hat, Waffenlieferant aller kriminellen Islam Terror Gruppen um Izebegovic war. ebenso Geheimdienst Chef des Serbischen Bosnischen USB Geheimdienstes und direkter Partner von den wichtigsten Bin Laden Leuten auch noch im Balkan. Wesley Clark, Tom Rich sind seine Partner http://www.albania.de/alb/index.php?p=2557 Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010 Der Islam Terrorist Abdul Latif Saleh - Damir Fazllic und US Politiker http://balkan-spezial.blogspot.com/2010/10/der-islam-terrorist-abdul-latif-saleh.html siehe hier auch der Yassin Kadi Thread Bin Laden in Albanien http://www.albania.de/alb/index.php?p=66  Citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina need help, because they cannot fight against this pestilence alone. One should be careful to differentiate the extremists from the Muslim population in general; one of the extremists? goals is to foment conflict between all Muslims and modern civilization. This is what the leaders of Al-Qaeda in Kosovo are doing. According to expert information, the top extremists in the area are: Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Taqi, Ilaz Selimi, Ahmed Krasniqi (Haradinaj?s enemy), Setmir Krasniqi (organized crime) Muxhar Basha, Snu Lumaj, Ismet Bexhet, Remi Mustafa, Nazmi Bekteshi, Xhimshit Osmani, Ramadan Dermaku, Luzim Aliju i Baylush Rustemi. All are connected to imam Omar Behmen. Their funding comes from various sources, but all have in common the Swiss enterprise called ?Phoenix,? owned by Qazim Osmonaj. Another man worth mentioning is Abdullah Duhayman, a Saudi citizen, the founder of the ?Islamic Balkan Center? Zenica, Bosnia. Duhayman is one of the main contacts and financiers of Ekrem Avdiu of Kosovska Mitrovica, a veteran of the Bosnian war and the founder of UCK?s mujahid?din unit ?Abu Bakr Sadeq.? Citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina need help, because they cannot fight against this pestilence alone. One should be careful to differentiate the extremists from the Muslim population in general; one of the extremists? goals is to foment conflict between all Muslims and modern civilization. This is what the leaders of Al-Qaeda in Kosovo are doing. According to expert information, the top extremists in the area are: Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Taqi, Ilaz Selimi, Ahmed Krasniqi (Haradinaj?s enemy), Setmir Krasniqi (organized crime) Muxhar Basha, Snu Lumaj, Ismet Bexhet, Remi Mustafa, Nazmi Bekteshi, Xhimshit Osmani, Ramadan Dermaku, Luzim Aliju i Baylush Rustemi. All are connected to imam Omar Behmen. Their funding comes from various sources, but all have in common the Swiss enterprise called ?Phoenix,? owned by Qazim Osmonaj. Another man worth mentioning is Abdullah Duhayman, a Saudi citizen, the founder of the ?Islamic Balkan Center? Zenica, Bosnia. Duhayman is one of the main contacts and financiers of Ekrem Avdiu of Kosovska Mitrovica, a veteran of the Bosnian war and the founder of UCK?s mujahid?din unit ?Abu Bakr Sadeq.? http://whitepaper.prohosts.org/whitepaper.htmErion Isufi! An der Sache ist der Schwager von Albanischen Aussenminister (nun Inneminister) Lulzim Basha, beteiligt Herr Erion Isufi, der bekannt ist für Drogen und Frauen Handel und eng mit dem Osmani Clan in Hamburg zusammenhängt. Langzeit Kriminelle und Terroristen   Oric Indicted for Extortion Nezavisne Novine, Nov 15, pg 3 -The Office of the Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecutor issued an incitement against Naser Oric, Srebrenica wartime commander, for the extortion and illegal possession of guns and explosives. According to the incitement, Oric ?forcibly acquired illegal gain from another person in the amount of 240,000 KM.? His attorney Vasvija Vidovic said she could not comment on the indictment before she sees it, adding that the court would decide whether or not the indictment will be confirmed. To recall, Oric, his ex-wife Zahida and his close aide Dzermin Kadric were arrested on 3 October in the Brajlovic restaurant in Ilidza as they were about to collect the money from their victim. On the same occasion, the FBiH and Sarajevo Canton MUPs raided seven locations in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Olovo, seizing a large quantity of guns, rifles, ammunition and five vehicles. The police took in, but subsequently released five more persons, including Nedim Sahinpasic, son of the dubious ?entrepreneur? Senad Sahinpasic Saja, and a controversial businessman Damir Fazlic and Branislav Cvjeticanin from Belgrade. Due to absence of evidence, Oric?s former wife Zahida and Kadric were also released. Also reported by: Oslobodjenje (pg 19), Dnevni Avaz (pg 9), Dnevni List (pg 20), Vecernji List (pg 4), Press RS (pg 5), Glas Srpske (pg 5), http://www.eupm.org/Details.aspx?ID=960&TabID=5

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