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“Kosovo – A just war for mafia state” – Pierre Péan, von der NATO gewünscht und aufgebaut ein Verbrecher Staat

Die Kenntnisse hatte jeder Soldat vor über 10 Jahren schon, das es vor allem um Geschäfte geht im Rechts freien Raum, Drogen Verteil Stelle für die Amerikaner und Britten in Europa und Privatisierungs Geschäfte. Ausserdem sollte der Einfluss der Russen im Balkan zurück gedrängt werden.
Man brauchte wie immer nur Kriminelle und Terroristen als Partner, wo selbst die gemässigten Rugova Leute im Sommer 1998 entsetzt waren und von den Morden an Zivilisten bereits erzählten und selbst ermordet wurden in Albanien, wenn man nicht Zivilisten entführt, foltert und ermordet, wobei die "Atlantik Brigade" der Haradinaj Verbrecher Organisation, vor allem Daut Haradinaj, nicht zurück schreckte, mit der Waffe am Kosovo, Kinder in die UCK zupressen.

Daut Haradinaj in Aktion, in einem legendären Video, wobei Etliche heute in Deutschland leben und sich von den Verbrechern distanzieren.

Im Gedanken von Hitlers SS und Partner von Joschka Fischer: Die UCK "Atlantik Brigade"

Die Argumentationen sind im historsichen Rückblick immer gleich. Die NATO suchte eine neue Aufgabe und die dümmsten Politiker und Militärs, wollten mehr Einfluss in der NATO und machten jedes Verbrechen mit, mit hoch kriminellen Voll Idioten, wie Xhavit Halili, dem Haradinaj und Hashim Thaci Clan.
siehe damaligen Ausführungen des Deutschen Generals Klaus Naumann, auch beim Irak Krieg im Meer von Lügen, um seine privaten Geschäfte als Rüstungs Lobbyist zuvertuschen. oder der Taxifahrer Joschka Fischer, und die Erbärmlichkeit des Herrn Scharping, der nur noch vor sich hinlog.

Wie Lord Roberston später bestätigte, tödete und ermordete die UCK Terroristen Vereinigung, mehr Albaner, als die Serben. Und der übelste Betrüger, war der erste UNMIK Chef, Kouchner, der alle Verbrechen deckte und die Mobil Funk Geschäfte und Verträge organisierte, für Alcatel über eine Bank in Monaco.
Ex-NATO Chef: Lord Roberston: “the KLA were responsible for more deaths in Kosovo than the Yugoslav [Serb] authorities had been.”
 Kosovo: a template for disaster
May 23rd, 2013
“Kosovo – A just war for mafia state” – Pierre PéanFind story with similar tags:
According to Pierre Péan, a French writer and journalist, in his interview to Radio Europe 1, Kosovo became a mafia state, with blessing of NATO an western countries, reported Vesti Net.

Although his reputation describes him as an objective fighter for truth, he says that he is not ”pro-Serbian”. He is interested only in facts, that have been manipulated by the western media. In some cases, Serbs are considered to be same as Nazi.
Péan claimed that NATO had illegally bombarded Serbia in 1999, and helped Kosovo to become a mafia state. Though Serbs are accused of ethnic cleansing of Albanians, only in Pristina, now ”capital” city of Kosovo, before bombarding there were 42.000 Serbs. Now, there are less than 50. Minority of Serbs are still holding together in northern Kosovo, and a very small number of them is on south.
Péan also said that Bernard Kouchner, who was first Head of UNMIK on Kosovo in 1999 and shouldn’t have supported neither side, had openly shown friendship with Hashim Thaci.
Even then, Thaci was considered a political leader of Kosovo’s Liberation Army (KLA). KLA have done crimes, as any other army in war, but some crimes are conflicting with Geneva’s convention.
Crimes that were the source of financing KLA are narcotic trade and illegal organ trade, and investigation about it is still in progress, although there are some people who are in jail now, sentenced in Pristina, such as the Head of the clinic which conducted the operations, the infamous  ”Medikus” clinic. His associates are also imprisoned.
Czech president, Milos Zeman, also considers Kosovo a mafia state, and in his presidential campaign has promised that he will do everything in his power that Czech republic withdraws the recognition of such artificial country.

France in 1999 – training of KLA and pro-Serbian policy

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FRANKFURT – French investigative journalist Pierre Péan said that before the bombing in 1999 the French intelligence service trained the KLA, and that the top of the French army had no information about it, Tanjug reported.

Photo from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/
“Counter-intelligence service, working outside French borders, trained members of the KLA, but, let’s say, military intelligence was pro-Serb oriented. This was so,” says Péan in his book “Kosovo – “just” war for mafia state”.
Counter-intelligence service, according to him, was responsible for Hashim Thaci and was working on training of his associates.
“At the same time the General Staff of the army, not on the line, silently keeps its pro-Serbian tradition, which it will not show directly, but will result in strict adherence to the Kumanovo agreement and neutral implementation of UN Resolution 1244,” says Pean.
In his book he also reveals that the French and the British almost shot each other. It is, he said in an interview for Frankfurt’s Nachrichten, just about the conflict on the implementation of UN Resolution 1244 and two interpretations of the implementation.
“In Anglo-Saxon, when the KLA ALbanians killed – this was interpreted as revenge and could be forgiven. However, completely different criteria was applied to Serbs. So, the Anglo-Saxons in the field behaved completely different from the French.”
“Colonel Logar, commander of the special forces at the time, was forced to threaten he is ready to fire at British special forces. You can imagine, they were at the verge of a very serious incident,” he said.
Speaking of the clash between French KFOR soldiers and KLA, Pean said that French soldiers implemented in a neutral way UN Resolution 1244, which others did not do. In Decani, he said, died between 10 to 15 members of KLA, adding it is quite certain that in the Anglo-Saxon areas in Kosovo there were no killed members of KLA.
“So, this was a literal implementation of UN Resolution 1244, while the Anglo-Saxon implementation of the resolution was biased from the very beginning, in the context of the future independence of Kosovo of which there is no word in UN 1244 Resolution,” Péan said.
When asked about the policy of France in 1999, Péan noted that French president at the time, “Jacques Chirac tried in 1999 to halt bombing FRY until the last moment, but at the same time he wanted to integrate France more into NATO, in particular to avoid offending the United States”.
Kosovo, according to him, was a good example of how French policy bended under the Anglo-Saxon, that of the United States and United Kingdom.

Die UN Ratten sollen den Kosovo verlassen, wobei die Kosovaren genau den Charakter der Aufbau Ratten erkannt haben.

By InSerbia Team On Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Kosovo demands UNMIK mission to leave

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo demanded withdrawal of the UN civil mission (UNMIK), on grounds that its presence disrupts the process of recognizing Kosovo’s independence, reported Pristina Tribuna More...

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