Ohne Justiz und Gesetze, kaufte man sich absurde Knebelungs Verträge des Betruges im Kosovo, was erneut auch Banken Betrug ist, welche sich damit absichern. Die Weltbank stieg schon 2015 auf dem Betrugs und Bestechungsgeschäft der Amerikaner mit der korrupten Kosovo Regierung aus. Nun kritisiert die EU das Projekt erneut, wegen unglaublich Vertragsbedingungen für die Amerikaner. Der Vorstand der dubosen Offshore Firma. Die Österreichische Raiffeisenbank hat auch im Betrugs System jemand im Vorstand. Original Betrugs System, wo die Österreichischen Banken, inklusive der Hype Alpe Adria schon 400 Milliarden € im Balkan und im Osten mit Kriminellen versenkten.
Executive Vice President for M&A and Business Development; Vienna – Austria
Richard König
is the Executive Vice President for Business Development and the Joint Managing Director of the Renewables Business in Austria and Slovakia.
Before joining ContourGlobal, Mr. Koenig headed the Energy & Utilities team at the Raiffeisen Bank... Read more
EU criticizes the deal about the construction of “New Kosovo” thermal power plant
The Energy Community Secretariat has criticized today the agreement reached between the government of Kosovo and “Contour Global” for the construction of the new thermal power plant, “New Kosovo”.This Vienna based institution says that the contract foresees unfair benefits for the company, including tax exemptions, exemptions from customs charges and lands below the market price. Under EU regulations on energy, state assistance is not permitted in order for the energy market not to be deformed through concessions granted through public sources. Meanwhile, the secretariat is also concerned about the fact that the contractual agreements will further reduce Kosovo’s capacities for participation in the regional market, including plans to create a joint market with Albania. /ibna/
"Contour Global" turning its back on "Kosova e Re" power plant
American company "Contour Global" most likely will abandon the project to build the new power plant "Kosova e Re". In this scenario, the whole project might return to point zero.
Kosovo newspaper Fjala has learned that "Contour Global" is moving away from the project, since none of the financial institutions are willing to secure the investments in raising new energy capacities. Now that the negotiations with Kosovo government are on the brink of failure, an unnamed source from the government said that "Contour Global" is determined to continue alone, but not on "Kosova e Re" project. The executive branch has already drafted a backup plan. The plan includes investments of hundreds of million euros for rehabilitation of the oldest existing power plant in Kosovo, Kosova A, in a 10-year period to reach the production of 600 megawatts, with its own investment. The World Bank has already given up its support for the sole company in the completion, that Kosovo government signed the contract with, because of the monopoly on the ownership of the power plant and its maintenance. Lately, even the government has made up its mind to fund new energy capacities by itself. Kosovo Finance Minister, Avdullah Hoti said that they are waiting for the finalization of negotiations with the company, however they will act according to their plans. "All options are on the table and we will review them all", said Hoti, adding that the option for the government to finance the project is also under consideration. However, this seems unlikely to happen. An increase on new capital projects with high costs do not enjoy the support from the International Monetary Fund. "The option for the government to finance such projects would be impossible, due to limitations on the state budget, at least for another 2-3 years," said the IMF chief of mission in Kosovo, Jacques Miniane.