Horden von archaischen Plünderungs und Verbrecher Clans, versuchen mit Gewalt nach Kroatien zu kommen Die Britischen SAS Einheiten steuerten die Kosovo UCK, KLA Terroristen, was allgemein bekannt ist, ebenso in Bosnien. Dazu kamen gekaufte Verbrecher, Politiker, Militärs welche der CIA bezahlte um Hass zu säen, wie CIA Offizier Robert Baer outete. Ausbilder, Kommandeure des Haradinaj Verbrecher Clans vor allem, wobei der inzwischen verurteilte Kriegsverbrecher Daut Haradinaj, nach Haftentlassung: heute Abgeordneter ist, im Phristina Verbrecher Club: Parlament. Alle von Bin Laden finanziert: Izebegovic in Bosnien, Salih Berisha in Tirana, Hashim Thaci im Kosovo
Immer wieder hat die dänische Regierung Aktivitäten Russlands in der jüngeren Vergangenheit kritisiert. So erklärte Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg jüngst, die Nato wolle bei russischen Cyber-Angriffen „fortan auch in der Lage sein, zurückzuschlagen“, wie „n-tv“ berichtete. „Großbritannien und Dänemark haben demnach bereits zugesagt, dem Bündnis ihre offensiven Cyber-Fähigkeiten für Gegenschläge zur Verfügung zu stellen.“
When NATO Replaced the Nazis to Kill Serbs and Yugoslavia
"British SAS and Americans were attacking Serbian Churches, Monasteries, Refugees."- Jacques Hogard, Colonel in the French Foreign Legion. (Book Interview: Europe died at Pristina)
"Jacques Hogard was one of the first Western officers who entered the territory of Serbia after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement in 1999, and there he saw that the information he was given by NATO command does not correspond to the truth.
He realized that there was no humanitarian war, but on the contrary – as an field officer he saw that KLA terrorists were constantly under control of German and British military services, even when attacking Serbian churches, monasteries and refugee columns just after the end of the NATO bombing. - This is why his unit on several occasions got into armed conflict vs. both KLA and Brits who were often seen with KLA units. "United States had the interest to weaken and break up Yugoslavia and Serbia, since Serbia is a natural support for Russia in the region. Destruction of Yugoslavia was a step closer to Russia. The consequence we see today in Ukraine. Also, the Germans had traditional interest in destruction of Serbia as well."Hogard interview about his book / Hogard Wikipedia.fr / Video Interview / Book L'Europe est morte à Pristina, 2014
I was impressed by the reports of the defense witnesses, with whom I had close contact. They were Western politicians, diplomats, military officers, journalists who, in one way or another, witnessed the war. And all of their statements they confirmed that the allegations against Milosevic were as false as everything else that has been reported about Yugoslavia." ‘Milosevic put his accusers on trial’ / »Milosevic brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank«.' March 2011, Rüdiger Göbel interviews Cathrin Schütz, Junge Welt Link German
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Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden |
Immer wieder hat die dänische Regierung Aktivitäten Russlands in der jüngeren Vergangenheit kritisiert. So erklärte Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg jüngst, die Nato wolle bei russischen Cyber-Angriffen „fortan auch in der Lage sein, zurückzuschlagen“, wie „n-tv“ berichtete. „Großbritannien und Dänemark haben demnach bereits zugesagt, dem Bündnis ihre offensiven Cyber-Fähigkeiten für Gegenschläge zur Verfügung zu stellen.“
When NATO Replaced the Nazis to Kill Serbs and Yugoslavia
Lord David Owen, former EU Special Envoy for the Balkans, described Milosevic as a "Yugoslav” who was anything but an ideologue for a Greater Serbia or promoter of "ethnic cleansing. I agree with Owen. Milosevic often took Croats and Bosnian Muslims under his protection, and he stressed how they were used by the West and misled. He also mentioned in his defense the support of the Bosnian Muslim forces by foreign mujahideen. However, he was opposed to any overestimation of the "Islamic terror." He stressed instead that the U.S. was responsible for the importation of Islamic fighters. It was no coincidence that the non-Serbs facing charges also respected him..............................
"British SAS and Americans were attacking Serbian Churches, Monasteries, Refugees."- Jacques Hogard, Colonel in the French Foreign Legion. (Book Interview: Europe died at Pristina)
"Jacques Hogard was one of the first Western officers who entered the territory of Serbia after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement in 1999, and there he saw that the information he was given by NATO command does not correspond to the truth.
He realized that there was no humanitarian war, but on the contrary – as an field officer he saw that KLA terrorists were constantly under control of German and British military services, even when attacking Serbian churches, monasteries and refugee columns just after the end of the NATO bombing. - This is why his unit on several occasions got into armed conflict vs. both KLA and Brits who were often seen with KLA units. "United States had the interest to weaken and break up Yugoslavia and Serbia, since Serbia is a natural support for Russia in the region. Destruction of Yugoslavia was a step closer to Russia. The consequence we see today in Ukraine. Also, the Germans had traditional interest in destruction of Serbia as well."Hogard interview about his book / Hogard Wikipedia.fr / Video Interview / Book L'Europe est morte à Pristina, 2014
"The majority of the local media [in Berlin] then described Slobodan Milosevic as they describe Muammar al Gadhafi today. Take your pick: Either he was a megalomaniac, evil, genocidal, yes, even a new Hitler. You were part of his defense team. What was it like?"
"Lord David Owen, former EU Special Envoy for the Balkans, described Milosevic as a "Yugoslav” who was anything but an ideologue for a Greater Serbia or promoter of "ethnic cleansing." I agree with Owen. Milosevic often took Croats and Bosnian Muslims under his protection, and he stressed how they were used by the West and misled. He also mentioned in his defense the support of the Bosnian Muslim forces by foreign mujahideen. However, he was opposed to any overestimation of the "Islamic terror." He stressed instead that the U.S. was responsible for the importation of Islamic fighters. It was no coincidence that the non-Serbs facing charges also respected him.
I was impressed by the reports of the defense witnesses, with whom I had close contact. They were Western politicians, diplomats, military officers, journalists who, in one way or another, witnessed the war. And all of their statements they confirmed that the allegations against Milosevic were as false as everything else that has been reported about Yugoslavia." ‘Milosevic put his accusers on trial’ / »Milosevic brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank«.' March 2011, Rüdiger Göbel interviews Cathrin Schütz, Junge Welt Link German

Wikispooks:"In an article in The Guardian the day after the 7 July 2005 London bombings, and four weeks before his untimely death, Robin Cook caused a stir by describing Al-Qaida as a product of Western intelligence and insisting that 'The Struggle on terror" could not be won by military means', 2005, The Guardian"