Erpresste Regierungs Chefs, wie Zoran Zaev, führten auch in Mazedonien ins Debakel, was wie Albanien, durch Kosovo Kriminelle Gangs schon in 1990 geflutet wurden. Kriminelle Operationen rund um Drogen, Menschen Handel, Umschlagstelle für gestohlene Autos, das Markenzeichen für die Albaner Gangs in Mazedonien mit Zweigstelle auch in Durres. Die Kosovo Gangs mit der Kumanova Zentrale, eine Terroristen Zentrale, auch für US Operationen in Syrien, mit Beg Rizaj u.a. der Leibwächter bei Ramuz Haradinja war, und US Pass hatte. Der jetzige Innenminister in Mazedonien: Oliver Spasovski, war Bürgermeister von Kumanova, einer hoch kriminellen Stadt.
Mafia Styl:
„The six horsemen of the apocalypse, the so called „western“ ambassador – —
„The US Ambassador Jess Bailey, nicknamed by Macedonian media as „Jess (Himmler) Bailey was instrumental in the failed coup attempt in Turkey where several civilians died during months old staged protests.
Banana Republic: Puppet Prosecutor Picks Zaev’s Attorney Godfather on her Team
![Pendarovski and Zaev officially become Dumb and Dumber]()
Ein bekannter Journalist, über das Erpressungs Kartell der Katica Janeva, installiert durch die korrupten EU und Berliner Banden des Diplomatischen Dienste. Das wird als Justiz Neu Anfang auch noch verkauft, wie in Albanien usw..
Racket INC: MEPSO + Katica Janeva
SDS’s Central and Executive Boards decided at separate sessions Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski to be interim prime minister in the interim government from January 3, 2020 until the formation of the new government after the April elections.
Minister of Labor and Social Policy Mila Carovska will be deputy prime minister for economic affairs, replacing Koco Angjusev.
The election of interim prime minister was officially announced by the president of SDSM and outgoing prime minister, Zoran Zaev, after the session of the CB, which was preceded by a session of the party’s Executive Board.
Two additional deputy ministers in the interim government – Slavjanka Petrovska in the Ministry of Interior and Sanela Skrijelj – in the Labor and Social Policy Ministry were also elected.
Zaev said the decisions on the four staffing decisions were unanimous at the sessions of the two party boards.
Mafia Styl:
„The six horsemen of the apocalypse, the so called „western“ ambassador – —
„The US Ambassador Jess Bailey, nicknamed by Macedonian media as „Jess (Himmler) Bailey was instrumental in the failed coup attempt in Turkey where several civilians died during months old staged protests.
Banana Republic: Puppet Prosecutor Picks Zaev’s Attorney Godfather on her Team
Die Betrügerin: Generalstaatsanwältin Katica Janeva von Berlin, Georg Soros den USA installiert, tritt in Mazedonien zurück
Sturzdumme und korrupte Sonder Staatsanwälte, Justiz Ministerinnen sind das Markenzeichen einer korrupten Georg Soros, Berliner, US Politik im BalkanEin bekannter Journalist, über das Erpressungs Kartell der Katica Janeva, installiert durch die korrupten EU und Berliner Banden des Diplomatischen Dienste. Das wird als Justiz Neu Anfang auch noch verkauft, wie in Albanien usw..
Racket INC: MEPSO + Katica Janeva

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Mila Carovska will be deputy prime minister for economic affairs, replacing Koco Angjusev.
The election of interim prime minister was officially announced by the president of SDSM and outgoing prime minister, Zoran Zaev, after the session of the CB, which was preceded by a session of the party’s Executive Board.
Two additional deputy ministers in the interim government – Slavjanka Petrovska in the Ministry of Interior and Sanela Skrijelj – in the Labor and Social Policy Ministry were also elected.
Zaev said the decisions on the four staffing decisions were unanimous at the sessions of the two party boards.