Channel: Balkanblog
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1.200 % mehr Cannabis Anbau in Albanien, und Edi Rama regt sich auf

Geldwäsche, Drogen Handel, keine Justiz und Freie Fahrt für Verbrecher: Der Edi Rama Verbrecher Staat lebt von den Millionen der EU, welche jeden Betrug und Verbrecher finanzieren

Edi Rama bei Angela Merkel, wo die grössten Verbrecher: Arben Ahmeti, Gent Cakaj auch am Tisch sitzen
Italian Police Report 1,200% Increase in Cannabis Cultivation in Albania

Italian Police Report 1,200% Increase in Cannabis Cultivation in Albania

Italian public broadcaster RAI3 reported that cultivation of cannabis in Albania during the last year has increased by 1,200 percent. RAI3 journalists referred to a recent still unpublished Italian Police report they were provided to read, which showed aerial photos of cannabis plantations in Albania. It estimated that 100,000 cannabis plants are growing in Albania...

Rama Attacks RAI3 Journalists after Damning Cannabis Cultivation Report

Rama Attacks RAI3 Journalists after Damning Cannabis Cultivation Report
Prime Minister Edi Rama rebuked a report by the Italian public broadcaster RAI3 on cannabis cultivation in Albania calling it “shameful journalist”. Relying on an unpublished Italian police data seen by RAI3 journalists, the...

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