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Angela Merkel, kauft sich überall eine Jubel Truppe zusammen, auch wenn es die übelsten Verbrecher sind.




Handschlag mit Kriegsverbrecher 

Ehemaliger kosovarischer UCK-Kommandeur Ramush Haradinaj bei Bundeskanzlerin Merkel in Berlin

Roland Zschächner


Gut geschmiert, für eine Jubel Truppe, wo Milliarden spurlos verschwinden, denn die gesamt Balkan Politik, ist mit der korrupten EU, Berliner Truppe gescheitert

January 1, 2021

Albanians in Kosovo show the right face: dethrone Americans, elevate Merkel - for the benefit


20:13 30.12.2020

German Chancellor Angela Merkel dethroned Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and other US officials who were considered favorite leaders among Kosovo Albanians.

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic sees this turn in the budget of Albanians - they need Germany now and are trying to create the illusion of Merkel's popularity in Kosovo. to the other offered candidates, with 66 percent. Immediately behind it is Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with 14 percent, while the Americans won only nine percent of the vote.

Albanians know that the Germans will have the main say
Andjelkovic notes that the epilogue of this research may be a consequence of the rationality of Kosovo Albanians.

Secret contract: Americans sent armored vehicles to Pristina
"Albanians have always been pragmatic and have always tried to realize their interests by relying on some force that they think is dominant in the region.""They understand that Germany will have the main say in the Balkans when it comes to the West, and that Biden's victory does not mean America's return to the Balkans, but giving Washington the green light to Berlin to be a factor that will try to impose what the West wants." our interlocutor.
Our interlocutor notes that the big question is whether the result of the research is really a reflection of the Albanian public or the Albanian elite behind such research.

Maybe the elite emphasizes the Germans, but ordinary Albanians ...
"Research has always been rigged and does not necessarily mean that it is accurate. It is more likely that this is the attitude of the Albanian political elite, which understands that they need Germany, so they are trying to create the illusion in Berlin that Germany is so popular in Kosovo. I don't think most Albanians can be mature enough to realize that it's in their interest to show this kind of loyalty to Berlin and it's probably among the citizens of America itself, that is, Biden is still more popular, but those who can fake the survey probably figured they it pays to bring the German ground to the forefront ", explains Andjelković.
Our interlocutor reminds that Biden constantly emphasized cooperation with Berlin and affection for Euro-Atlantic cooperation, so it can be expected that he will let Berlin be in the forefront when it comes to Kosovo, as well as be on the side of Germany.

Is the secret in Merkel's plan?
"Trump had a conflict with Berlin, and unlike him, Biden will not have it either in terms of the EU or in terms of conducting politics in the Balkans. Therefore, it is clear that the Germans will have a key role in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina ", concludes Andjelković.

Source Government of Kosovo: Germany is arming Kosovo and Metohija with cannons and missile systems - with a wink from Angela Merkel
The possibility that Merkel won the sympathy of Kosovo Albanians lies in her plan to resolve the status of Kosovo in three phases, which she offered in the dialogue she led with the French.

Let us remind you, she then presented a plan whose realization would last for the next 20 years, and according to which there is no division of Kosovo. The plan included autonomy for northern Kosovo within self-proclaimed Kosovo. After a few years, the North would, according to the plan, receive a special status that would be more than autonomy, and in the final, third phase, a referendum would be called in which citizens from the North would decide whether they want to stay within the borders of so-called Kosovo or they want to live in Serbia. The plan was also rejected by Belgrade and Paris, but was then accepted by Pristina.


Nur Verbrecher, auch für Biowaffen Forschung, sind Angela Merkels Quellen und Maßstab

Robert Koch und die Verbrechen der Kolonialmedizin

Robert Koch und die Verbrechen der Kolonialmedizin

Nicht nur das Robert Koch-Institut, sondern auch andere führende Einrichtungen der medizinischen und epidemiologischen Forschung wie die Johns Hopkins University und die Berliner Charité arbeiten ihre Verbrechen aus der Vergangenheit nicht selbst auf. Erkenntnisse kommen von anderer Seite. Von Werner Rügemer.

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